Chapter 14

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Freya Taschereau - Burn

He whirls around, then smirks. "Ah, the Captain's female counterpart."

"The spy out of time, the brainwashed assasin." He smirks evily at me, but I keep a blank expression.

"It would make quite a great story. The Captain, frozen in ice and out of his time, and the Spy, kept on cryotosis for over seventy years herself, getting catapulted into the future. What a beautiful love story that would have made."

I smiled, but without a trace of humor. "Is that what you're after? The story? Do you want everything you do to follow a seemingly fantastical story line?" I ask him.

He laughs. "Well, I don't know. Last I checked my story doesn't go very well does it? The brother of the remarkable Thor, the ugly duckling, the outcast? No, that doesn't sound like a very nice fairytale to me."

I shrug. "Well, Gretal cut off her middle finger in the story Hansel and Gretal, and Cinderella's step-sisters cut off their toes just to jam their feet into her glass slipper. I'd say your fairytale sounds a lot like the stories of old."

He laughs again lightly, his smile sending shivers up my back. This guy was creepy.

"Ah yes. You'd be an expert on things of old, wouldn't you? After all, you are old, maybe even older than the Captain himself. You have heart, my dear, but you foolishly blind yourself with your false hopes and dreams. You are too optomistic. You cannot see that you are out of time, out of YOUR, time, and will never truly belong."

I frown at him. "Bold words from a man standing on the wrong side of the glass wall."

He smiles again, creeping me out even more. "I'm not so sure about that." He bangs a hand on the glass, making me flinch slightly. He smiles at my reaction.

"You're so forward in time, you don't even remeber those important to you in the past." He snarls. I glare at him.

"Who are your new recruits Loki? And why did you recruit them? I thought you said that the humans were beneath you?" I ask.

He laughs. "They are. But I'm finding these new servents to be very useful. Some of them even had grudges to settle with some people in shield, and didn't need a second force to persuade them to help."

That line stuck out, and I filed it away for later, when I discussed this interogation with the rest of the group.

"Who are they?" I ask him, unfazed by his strange behavior. His eyes narrowed. "Who?"

"The new recruits." I answered.

"Who are they? You said some of them had grudges to settle. Who are those agents?" Loki grinned creepily again, sending yet another shiver up my spine.

"Well, there's Agent Romanoff's old rival from her Black Widow program days, Rosanna Partridge. She's come to help me in exchange for Agent Romanoff's life."

"There's another. His name is Simon Gascon. He used to work for Stark Industries, I believe. Man of Iron fired him for courting his lady. His life apparently fell apart after that." I almost laughed at Loki's language.

"Oscar Bordeau, Agent Barton's old rival for the title of Hawkeye and one of Agent Romanoff's old suitors."

Loki shakes his head. "But none of these matter, no. I've yet to unleash the beast on board, and all my problems will be solved." I smirked. "You can't provoke the other guy Loki. Bruce has him under control, and he's a master of holding his cool."

Loki smirks, and walks up right to the glass, his eyes filled with a sadistic light. "I wasn't talking about the doctor."

I narrow my eyes in confusion. His smirk grew. "I was talking about Rage Factor."

My eyes grow wide and I take a step back in surprise.

Rage Factor. How did he know about Rage Factor? I didn't even know if it existed or not.

Loki starts to speak again.

"The last holds the largest, darkest grudge in my army besides myself." Loki says.

"And that is your enemy, Lady Burn." I go rigid, and tense up.

"That blond haired girl with the ice. She must seem so familiar to you, hm, Agent Taschereau?"

"So familiar, nagging at the back of your mind. Who is this girl, and why is she so familiar?"

Loki bangs his fist aganst the glass, making me jump, this time not only in surprise, but fear.

"Does the name Maggie ring a bell?"

My eyes widen with shock and I feel myself start to shake. Loki smiles.

"She hates you, you know. She wondered why you would leave her, when you promised it would always be you two. You and her, together, facing the world. But one day, you just turned your back and changed your mind. You turned your back on your little Maggie, when you promised you'd never leave her."

He glared at me. "You stand on your righteous hill, looking down on me as if I were some peasant. You may be of Asgard little Lady Burn, but I will always see you as who you are. A liar, a thief, a pawn."

"A murderer."

My hands burst into flames, and my past flashed before my eyes.

My years in Asgard, my years on Earth with Maggie, the years with Red Room.

The things they made me do, brainwashing me, taking advantage of my powers, using me as their weapon.

Their personal little assassin, killing and murdering on command.

"Shut, UP!" I screamed, the fire in my palms growing brighter, my eyes flashing red as I glared at Loki.

I could feel the fury burning up inside of me, and as much as I tried to push it back down, I couldn't.

"You're lying!! Stop lying to me!!!"

He stepped away from the glass, his eyes somewhat fearful. Black slowly covered my vision, and I felt the sadistic feel of Rage Factor start to curl around me.

Miss your Rage, Freya? A clear, dangerous voice spoke in my mind.

My legs give out, and I collapse, Rage Factor's sadistic laugh echoing in my mind.

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