"I know it's irritating but still we need to find out what really happened. Once you're calm, let's talk to Hanna and ask her what she said to Mona. You have a commitment tonight and you need to focus on that."

"You think I hurt her even more with what I said?"

"Well..she started crying again, what do you think? Just don't think about this now. Give her space, she'll come around. This whole thing is not easy for her. You're a prince and she's just an ordinary girl and your feelings for each other became more complicated because of how it started...the contract. You cannot blame her if there are times that she would think that you are just pretending because of that contract. And Hanna being insensitive about this whole thing because she knows nothing about your feelings for Mona is another complication." Donald explained to Harry.

"Harry, you know that this isn't the complication that you should be worrying about. This is nothing compared to what's coming once you present her to your family. Once she'll come around, this is something that you need to talk to her about and warn her about the queen. The queen agreed to this because what she knows is that this is just a contract and this is necessary to fix your image to the press. Finding out that you are with Mona for real is another story. She's your mother, you know how she is. You need to prepare Mona for this." Donald added. Harry sighed. He knows that this won't be an easy journey for him and Mona but he will fight for her and he will stand by her side all through out.

"You're right. Call their room and tell Dane that I didn't mean the things I said earlier and I need Mona to come with me tonight. Tell her I was just hurt that Mona thought of me that way." Harry said. Donald did what Harry said and instantly have Dane on the phone.

"How is she?" Donald asked Dane, referring to Mona.

"She's awfully quiet. But I let her think. I know her, once we give her time to think, she'll come around."

"Good. The prince didn't mean what he said. He got hurt that Mona thought of him that way. He wants Mona to come with him tonight. This is an important event Dane, please make her ready before 6:00 o'clock. You are coming too, you will be my date so look pretty too." Donald said half laughing.

"This is how you ask a woman to be your date? What made you assume I'd say yes, Mister?" Dane said teasingly.

"Because I know you won't let Mona out of your sight especially now." Donald answered half laughing.

"Smart ass! Alright, I'll have her ready. Tell the prince not to worry, she will be ready." Dane assured Donald.

"Thank you beautiful! It's another formal event so you know what to wear." Donald said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Dane was startled by Mona's voice. She just came out from the shower. She took a shower to help her think. This is what she does whenever she is confused and hurt. The water gives her comfort and a clear mind.

"It was Donald. The prince asked him to call to tell you that he didn't mean what he said, that he just got hurt that you thought of him that way...and that he wants you to come with him tonight."

"I know. I didn't mean what I said too. I will apologize to him later." Mona said smiling shyly.

"That's my girl. Don't ever listen to anyone lovey. You should trust how you feel and your instinct, you should know this by now." Dane said while hugging Mona.

"I know...I know. I don't know what gotten into me. My insecurities just knocked me out after that Hanna came here. I really don't like her. She is so intimidating and she looks at me with no respect and kept on talking about how the prince is just pretending. It reminded me of a lot of painful memories. Self-pity swallowed me again. It has been way too long since I felt that way. I'm starting to hate that woman but then I also feel like thanking her for bringing Harry into my life." Mona explained.

"I knew it. Someone summoned your demons. I'm glad you've come around before you ruin your own happiness. Again lovey, don't listen to anyone. Trust your instinct, trust yourself and your own judgment." Dane said in a frustrating tone.

"Thank you for being here for me all the time. I don't know what I should do without you. I love you Dane."

"I love you too Mona. You're the only one I have. We're family. I know you will always be there for me too."

"You're right. We're stuck with each other."

They both started laughing. Mona complained about being hungry so they decided to go down to the pool bar to grab a bite. They still have 2 hours before they have to get ready for tonight.

A/N: Hello guys, I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.

Don't forget to vote, add this to your reading list and follow me, loveys. ~Aireen

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