Umbrella (Loki x Reader)

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Loki eyed you wearily as you sat on the couch munching on a bowl of caramel popcorn. 🍿

(I suddenly love to use those emojis.)

You had ignored him for the rest of the day in favor of watching Sherlock's marathon. The one thing that made him irritated was the brolly that faithfully stay by your side. A plain black brolly that seems like a bodyguard. Since you have been introduced to that series you had been smitten with the character of Mycroft.

It's like it has a hidden sword and a gun in that stupid brolly.

You've been nagging at him how cool Mycroft is with his brolly and how he care for his younger brother Sherlock. He still remembers how you cried when  Mycroft offered himself to be shot by his brother to save the army doctor. Or how how you laughed when Sherlock jumped from Bart's rooftop.

He was dead sure that Sherlock is the more ideal character to be smitten with and not his brother. And who laughed at other's suicide but crying when it came to a character being called as a reptile?

You had forced him to watched the series a few days ago. And by he means forced is forced. He woke up on a chair. You had tied him to a chair and gagged his mouth with a clothe.  He realised after a few minutes that you had drugged his tea exactly the way Sherlock had done in the show.

Stupid Stark.

He blame that short man for introducing you into his horror.

Turning you into an addicted/obsessed girl with a fictional character with a brolly and characterless black cars.

Making his ears bleed as he had to hear every rants about Sherlock series.

"(Y/N), darling?" Loki called out. Hopeful that you will hear him this time.

And of course you're not.

"Darling?" He tried again.

"Oh yes Loki?" You replied to him without turning your head.

He inwardly groaned when you still didn't turned to him. He was trying to hard to refrain himself from exploding the damn telly.

Or maybe he could make you forgot about the series entirely.

But that was outright cruel.

"Why don't we have dinner tonight love? It's been a while since we spend our time together." He whipered the last part.

"No!" You yelled suddenly.


"Don't you dare. Don't dare."

He wasn't sure how to respond to your sudden outburt. He knew that it wasn't fair for him to say that because he's been abandoning you for a time when he was away to Asgard.

And he hasn't call you even once.

But you still let him stay with you in your little cozy flat. It's understandable that you still haven't forgive him.

"Darling please-"

"Oh shut it! You do you think you are?! You can't just waltz in and pretend to know them!"

His heart clenched tightly as he watched from behind that you clutched the hilt of the brolly until your knuckles turned white.

"I-I- darling please-"

He took a slow steps towards you and extended his arms to embrace you.

"Listen to me darling." He put his hands on your tense shoulder.

And you yelled.

"No one called my Mycroft a reptile you stupid, ungrateful wrinkly old woman!"

A bang resonated in the flat.

Resulting to an exploding television and a God who wet his pants.

There...were indeed a gun and a sword in that brolly.

A bloody sword and gun.

"Oh yes, what is Loki dear? I was distracted earlier." You said as you laughed through your tears. Still thinking about how Mrs.Hudson brutally called Mycroft as a reptile just because he didn't know why Sherlock relapsed again.

"Loki, honey?" You put down the black brolly on the couch and pat his cheek.

"Are you alright Loki? Are you- Loki? Did you wet your pants?"

Oh, Loki was set to kill both Moffat and Gatiss for creating that damn show.

"Oh man! Ahahahahah! You wet your pants! That's rich!" You continued laughing and snapping his picture to send to Tony.

Don't get me wrong people. I totally ❤️ Sherlock series. Ahahaha.

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