She looks up at me and said , "No need to go overprotective on Linnea , Xavier." , she smirked at me while I blushed a little but shook it off , "That man right there is Zeus."

"As in Zeus , the God of the Heavens?" , I hear Linnea ask nervously behind me as she stepped beside me with Cupid on my other , "What's a god doing here , mama?"

Anastasia giggled as we all glanced at Zeus and Pitch conversing like buddie---

"They're like your father's brother. He's a friend of your dad , Lin."

"Holy shit." , we turned to look at Cupid whom glanced at Linnes with wide amazed eyes , "You've got amazing people in your family , Linny!"

Zeus and Pitch walks over to us as Zeus looks over to Linnea and smiled , "Hello there , Linnea."

Linnea smiles back a little and says softly , "Hello , sir. Sorry about a while ago..."

"Oh please do call me Uncle Zeus or Uncle Zuzu once again." , Zeus laughs and replies with a kind smile , "And it's quite alright dear. It's normal seeing as to you don't really remember me." , Linnea quirks a brow confusedly as Zeus smirked , "The last time you saw me is when you were 6 and a half years old while we were playing with your Uncle Posiedon and Uncle Hades."

I see Linnea make a confused face then a realization as her face brightens up and she said excitedly , "Cerberus?"

Zeus' face seemed to brighten up also as he said happily , "Yep!" , Linnea suddenly squeals as she flung herself onto Zeus as he wrapped his arms around her spinning her around around a little and placing her down on the floor as they were laughing , "It's good that you seem to remember."

"Yah! I remember dad's face too at that time!" , Linnea giggled as we all heard Pitch groan loudly and Anastasia laugh.

"It's not my fault I care for my daughter's safety!" , Pitch sighed.

Anastasia leans her head onto his shoulder , smiling , "It's okay , Pitch. Hades was also there panicking with you at that time while Linnea was riding on top of Cerberus' back." , she giggled.

Zeus made an 'o' shape with his mouth as he turned to look at Linnea and said softly , "Speaking of my brothers. Hades and Poseidon misses you , kiddo."

I glared menacingly at Zeus for using the nickname I gave her making him look at me with a raised brow , "Um yes?"

"Don't use 'kid' , 'kiddo' , or 'brat' if you're calling Linny." , I hear Cupid stated , "He gets jelly since he's the only one who gets to call her that."

"Shut up , casanova!" , I growled at Cupid whom snickered , "Hello , Zeus. I'm Xavier Blackwood , Guardian of Depression. Also this brat's protector." , I greeted gruffly as I gestured towards Linnea whom was grinning making my eyes roll.

Zeus smiled and said , "Hello , Xavier. And thank you for protecting this girl , right here." , he looked at Pitch and Anastasia , whom were currently being freaking lovey dovey , and asked , "Wanna visit my brothers for today? They're currently at my house probably bickering like an old married couple."

"And use my daughter as an offering so that they would stop and smother her with gifts and etc.?" , Pitch said sarcastically making Anastasia laugh while Linnea grinned , "Yeah sure. Why not?" , he looked at Linnea , "You do wanna see them right?"

Linnea smiled and chirped , "Yah!"


We all looked at Zeus whom had already made a vortex of his own , though color white , and saw him grinning as he went in front of Linnea and---

"Woah!" , Linnea squeaked as she wrapped her arms around Zeus' neck as he carried her bridal style.

My right eyebrow twitched , annoyingly.

Zeus smiled at Linnea and said , "Please let me do this so that my brothers would shut up once I get in."

My hands clenched into fists as I see Zeus hop into the vortex with Linnea in hid arms.



Cupid screamed in pain as I punched his left arm.

Anastasia and Pitch snapped their heads towards me as they both looked at each other , "Xavier , what happened to him?" , Pitch asked confusedly while Anastasia was snickering behind him , probably already noticing as to why I'm fucking angry as hell.

I glared at Cupid , whom was currently on the floor cradling his left arm while glaring back at me , "What the hell , man?!" , he screamed , clearly pissed off and confused.

I looked away and walked passed him , following Anastasia and Pitch behind , as I grumbled , "Just needed a punching bag and you seemed to fit the job well enough." , and hopped in before Cupid could land a hit on me from behind as he shouted.


Ah fuck it! So what if I'm jealous?





Krazy with a K. What can I say? OUT!

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