"What'chu mean?" Quan asked as KéShaun was still looking at Jaceon

"If Shaé just up and walked out the door right now what was the plan?" He asked

"Wait, watch and if she comes out see which way she goes, follow while she going to the place Quan wil grab her then stuff her ass in the car and we'll handle from there." Jaceon said calmly

"Nigga what!?" Quan said confusedly

"I'm looking at the cameras and there's not at least one of our cars out there which tells me you was going in there without help!" KéShaun yelled

"I thought this was one of ours." Quan said pointing at a dark car on the monitor as KéShaun was still staring at Jaceon

"Nah, she probably got it for tonight." KéShaun assumed "Damn how she out here like that?" Quan said getting excited

"That nigga Marshawn probably gave it to her like he gave her dick." Jaceon said as KéShaun heard him but didn't say anything just pulled out his phone and called Martin

"Ayo." Martin answered

"I know it's late but I need your help fam." He said when he heard a baby whine "Da-Da."

"Was that Elijah?" KéShaun asked

"Take him in the other room!" Martin yelled when his girl yelled back at him

"You with family don't worry -.."

"Nah, you family too; what's the deal?" He asked

"I'm about to send you address and I need you get there quick and park unseen okay?" KéShaun said

"Aight I'm on the way." He said and hung up

While KéShaun was taking charge of a fucked up situation Shaé was loaded with a bag of guns and had some help with a woman and  three men she had meet through Marshawn with her.

They were downstairs while Shaé was upstairs as she heard the front door open and close then a bit of chattering so she started walking out the room, looked downstairs and it Marshawn who they were talking to when he noticed her she rolled her eyes and went back in her room; he followed.

He got to the room and Shaé was sitting on the bed "Why are you here?" She asked

"To help; I brought more guys and weapons because I know this wouldn't be enough." He said looking at the bags of guns on her bed

"Look, I know you went through a lot to find the niggas who shot Ember for me but I don't need your help with this one." She said then got up a tried to walk away when Marshawn grabbed her arm

"You want me to walk away and let you die that'll be blood on my hands and sleep lost for me so I can't let that happen." Marshawn said holding her hands

They stood a moment in silence then Shaé broke it by saying "I'm ready."

Without even acknowledging what Marshawn just had said to her she moved her hands away and walked downstairs

Marshawn sighed and grabbed the bag off the bed and followed.

They all know what the plan was so they all headed out meanwhile Martin just had pulled up he looked at the address as seen the group leaving then called KéShaun they phone ringed once and KéShaun answered

"You there yet?" He asked

"Yeah and it's a group of people coming out the address you sent." He said said when KéShaun ran back inside and seen Jaceon in the kitchen and heard the toilet upstairs

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