"I hope so." Nathaniel says with a smile, before putting his glass away and walking back to our room.

The good thing about living in North Carolina was that the rent for the houses was affordable, affordable enough for us to have two bedrooms for when guests come over. Our house wasn't too big but it wasn't small either, but our living room and kitchen were joined together - that was the only issue with our house, but it was the closest house to campus that had a house next door free so Cassie could also move in.

Cassie had a roommate though, her and Jacob were meant to be living together but they broke up before summer started when he got his last minute offer in Harvard and didn't think he could do the long distance relationship. 

I walk into our room, Nathaniel was tucked into bed whilst on his phone. "Nate, where's the box with our wedding pictures and everything?" I asked, rummaging through the drawer.

"Why?" He asks in an uninterested tone.

"Because your mom wanted some pictures and I said I'll give her it last week, but I forgot so please help me?" frustrated, I groan when I don't find it.

"It's on the floor of the wardrobe near the door." Nathaniel says still stuck on his phone. Rolling my eyes I walk over to the wardrobe and take the box from the floor, the box was heavy and overfilling with pictures and small objects, I hadn't looked at this since the day we put everything in.

I sit on the floor and take the bundle of pictures out of the box. "Lillies..." I whisper looking at the picture of the flowers that decorated the room we had our nikkah (Islamic marriage) in. There were plenty of pictures in this box but only a few people in them, we didn't really have much family and neither did Nathaniel.

I stare at the picture of me and Nathaniel after we had our nikkah done, the smile on our faces were so vibrant and I couldn't help but smile whilst looking at them.

I remember the day so clearly, it was amazing. My dress was amazing, for something so last minute I was surprised my mom had time to pick something so beautiful up, not to mention how gorgeous Nathaniel looked, I was in awe when I saw him.

I pick up a photo of Nathaniel crying, that was the first time he saw me in my dress and he cried like a baby. It was so surprising seeing Nathaniel cry, I was taken back completely that it took me a while to realise my brother, dad, and mom were crying as well.

I laugh whilst looking at the pictures, "Do you remember when you all were crying, including Cassie and when I started laughing she put me in a headlock." I say giggling. "They even took a picture of that." I roll my eyes in embarrassment looking at the picture.

I hear Nathaniel get off the bed and come closer towards me, he kneels down on the floor and takes the picture of him crying off my hand and stares at it. "Aasia, you looked so beautiful that day you have no idea." He says picking up another picture that had me and him on it feeding each other cake.

"So cute!" he says in a frustrated tone, kissing me harshly on my cheeks. I start to laugh, "calm down Nate." I laugh pushing him away lightly.

"Ha, I can't believe this." I say picking up a picture of me and Nathaniel, in embarrassment, I cover my face with my hand.

Nathaniel starts to laugh. "Oh my god." He says laughing. "Our first kiss. It was the most awkward thing ever. You couldn't stop laughing, to the point I gave up and just kissed your forehead." Nathaniel says laughing some more and cooing at me.

"It was so embarrassing." I say with flustered cheeks. "I think Cassie took the picture, she must have felt even more awkward than us." I say cringing at the thought of Cassie feeling like the third wheel in the empty room with me and Nathaniel.

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