Ch.16|| Halloween //4//: The Party //2//: Some odd Trick or Treaters ?

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"Ok ok! You got me!" Aaron said. "Pff n-not me!" Dante said. "Says the guy who was screaming 'I WANT MY MOMMY!' In the corner of the room!" Katelyn said between laughs. "We'll get you guys back!" Laurence says, "We highly doubt that!" I say. But then the boys start chasing us! Vlyad was chasing me but Dakota bit his foot. "OW! Dakota.." "I'm so sorry Vlyad. Dakota!" "It's fine there's no blood so I'm fine." "You sure..." "yeah...". I go to my bathroom and clean myself up.
Kawaii~Chan then calls everyone to the living room. "Now were gonna play...." "Oh no..." I say. "TRUTH OR DARE ! NOW EVERYONE SIT IN A CIRCLE!" We all sit in a circle. "Now since Vlyad~Kun wasn't here for the first Truth or Dare... Y/N Truth or Dare!" "Dare!" Sadly I wasn't paying attention to anything that Kawaii~Chan was saying. "Hehe... I dare you to sit on Vlyad~Kun's lap for the ENTIRE game !" "WHAT ?!?!" Me and Vlyad say in unison.
I sit on Vlyad's knees... "MEEP!" I say as he pulled me on to his lap... All the guys just growl or do a death stare at Vlyad. I wasn't comfortable so I put myself in this position...

 I wasn't comfortable so I put myself in this position

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

      Then the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I say. I grab the candy bowl and opened the door. It was 2 little girls and boys both of the girls was dressed as princesses and the boys were Pickachu and Ash Kechtem! "Trick or Twreat!" "Aww!" I give them candy they say thank you and I close the door and walk away.
     Then the doorbell rings again, I open the door and see 3 woman and a man? "Uh hi..." I say. They look inside the house and run into the house. "What the !" The only woman I knew was Zianna who hugged Garroth, Zane, and Vlyad. The 2 other woman hugged Aphmau and Dante. The man hugged Katelyn.
     "Uh who are you guys exactly?" "Oh I'm Dante's mom, Maria and I brought his brother Gene!" "GENE?!?!" "Who's Gene?" Just then I'm guessing Gene walked in my house. "Hey gu-" He looks at me and his jaw drops. "Uh hi ?" I say. "Hey~ Cutie..." I start to blush. "Gene get away from that nice girl!" Maria says.
     "H-hi I'm Y/N..." I shake his hand and he just stares into my eyes. A voice breaks the silence "I'm sorry I'm Aphmau's mom! Sylvana" "Mom! What are you doing here ?!?!" "Maia... Can't a mother come and see her daughter ! And make sure no Boys put their hands on her and her friends..." She mutters the last part. "W- what was the last part ?" I question. "N-nothing, oh I'm Eric ! This is Sylvana, Maria, and Zianna! And I just wanted to see my sugar pea and her friends." I'm guessing Eric says, "Dad!" Katelyn says. They stay for a little while longer than leave. But Gene stayed...
     "Sooo... Y/N..." "Huh..." "Wanna play Spin-The-Bottle ?" "Uh... Sure...". Everyone sat in a circle and Kawaii~Chan's eyes lit up and she whispered something to Aphmau. Then she told everyone else except for Gene... "Y/N~Sama you should go first !" Kawaii~Chan gave me the bottle and I spun the bottle. Just then everyone got up and ran to the kitchen and I was left with... Gene.
     "You guys are jerks !" I scream, "What you don't wanna kiss me ?" Gene says to me. "No no no... I ju-" Gene then pulled me by the hips and kissed me. After we looked into each other's eyes. All of a sudden I see hands on Genes shoulder that throw him across the room. I look at the person who threw him... i-it was Aaron...
"Aaron what in the name of Irene was that about ?!?!" I scream at him. I look at his eyes and I see that there the same way that his eyes looked when Travis put his arm around me during the last sleepover...(Ch. 7 & Ch. 8...). "Aaron... your eyes... again..." He looked away again and put the same red bandana BACK on... I went over to see if Gene was ok. "Gene?!?! Are you ok ?!?!" "Yeah... I'm fine... OWCH!". I looked on the floor and saw blood... I wasn't alarmed at first but then I smelled the metallic smell.
Gene seemed to cut his arm on a glass shard that Kawaii~Chan forgot to clean up after the prank. I took Gene to the couch and cleaned his arm, bandaged it, and put an ice pack on it. "Ok we are done!" I screamed through the house. Everyone got back into the living room
and we just watched some more "Fairy Tale". "Uh... Y/N can I talk to you... in private..." Aaron asks me.
"I don't really want to but fine..." I respond. We walk to the kitchen and talk "I'm sorry... I just wanted to protect you..." "Protect me from what ?!?!" "Gene... he... uses girls. I didn't want you to end up to be one of those girls...". "A-Aaron it's ok...". I hugged him and went back over to the couch. I leaned on Gene's shoulder and slowly fell asleep while watching "Fairy Tale"...

Gene's POV:
After Y/N patched up my right arm. She fell asleep on my left shoulder after talking to Aaron in the kitchen. I realized how... Caring, kind, and sweet she is. She's not like other girls I've dated... I don't know why I feel this way about her... I've never felt this way about any and I mean ANY girl before... I fell asleep shortly after Y/N.

•~•~•~3:00 AM~•~•~•

Still Gene's POV:
     I woke up to hear hard crying? I look over and see that Y/N is crying... I pull the hair out of her face and try to clam her down. She clams down and holds my arm... I hear her singing? "Don't you worry 'bout a thing mama..." I can't imagine what kinda dream she's having...

Sorry this was getting too long !
Part 3 coming Soon!
Thanks! Bye! Nya~ :3

The New Girl On Mystreet... (MyStreet boys X reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ