Ch.23 || It's Snowing?!?!

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•~•~•~9:30 AM•~•~•~

I wake to Dakota in my face barking and licking my face. "Dakota stop..." He runs to the window and barks at it. I get up and look out the window and realize... Its Snowing?!?! Thats why Dakota was so excited. He's a husky and loves the snow! "*Gasp OMI Dakota lets get dressed."
I brush my hair, put a little makeup on, and get dressed in this. and put on a red hat.

     I get Dakota in his sweater and harness

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I get Dakota in his sweater and harness. I go outside and Dakota goes crazy in the snow. Just then i feel a snowball hit my butt. "Bullseye." I heard someone say in the distance. "Oh Hell No!" I run to where I heard it and find a snowfort with Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan?
"I wasnt us it was the guys!" Aphmau points across the street to another snowfort with all the guys ducked down. "Snowball..." I say behind the fort. Kawaii~Chan hands me a big snowball and i used to play baseball back in high school, I was the only girl player and had the best throwing arm. I throw the snowball and it hits Garroth right in the head! "Bullseye!" I scream.
The war goes on for a little more till Zane walks down the street. "Hand me a Snowball." I throw the snowball and hit him right in the head. "Who threw that!" "It was them, not us, them." "Oh No..." Garroth says going into panick mode. "Its time for my revenge big brother!" Zane says as he runs over to the guys. Me and the girls start laughing and rolling in the snow.
   "OMI Y/N that was amazing!" Aphmau says "Its wasn't much really." "Really Y/N~Sama you hit every guy in the head." "The guys are coming to us... Should we run?" Katelyn asks. "Yes, yes we should..." I say and we book it into Aphmau's house. We get some hot chocolate and watch 'FairyTale'. After a little while of us watching fairytail and Dakota and Celestia playing around.
      Katelyn gets a text. "Who's that?" I ask "Jeffory, he wants to know if we and the guys want to ice skating tomorrow with Abby at the lake by his house." "Who's Abby?" I ask. "She's 6 and his daughter and she lost her mom a while back..." "Aww that's so sad...". "Anyway you wanna come Y/N?" "Of course! I would love to meet Abby." I check the time "Well I should get going. Bye guys. Come on Dakota *Whistle" "Bye Y/N!" "Bye." "Bye Y/N~Sama!". I should mention Dakota isn't a puppy anymore he's like half my size.
      Anyway I walk outside and get hit with around 15 snowballs. "GOTCHA!" I heard with a bunch of laughter in the back. "Dakota..." I say staring at Dakota and then the guys. Dakota stands by my side growling. "Sick 'em..." Dakota then charges after the guys and they RUN! After 3 or 4 minutes I call Dakota back and we go inside and watch 'Jane The Virgin'.
Hi! Here are some notes! Everyone could go! Except Vlyad and Dante. (Sorry Vlyad and Dante fans.) Just wanted to tell you guys that! Bye! Aye!

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