Ch. 18|| New Job ?!?!

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"Gene... I'm so sorry..." I cried in his chest. I realized that everyone else was gone. I got a text from Aphmau...

A= Aphmau
Y= You

A: Hey Y/N! I was just wondering if you could come work at the Maid Cafe for a while ?
Y: Sure! But why?
A: it's just that things have been busy and we need some extra help...
Y: Say no more Ill be over in like 10 Minutes!

"Sorry Gene I gotta get ready!" "Wait Y/N! Why were you crying last night ?" "Uh... Nothing important! Now you need to leave !" I kick Gene out, let Dakota out, and got ready in this...

 Nothing important! Now you need to leave !" I kick Gene out, let Dakota out, and got ready in this

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     I put some makeup on, brushed my teeth, and feed Dakota. I left Dakota with Katelyn, I trust her! I drove to the Maid Cafe, pulled into a spot, and walked inside...

Aphmau's POV:
I was behind the counter when I heard the bell ring. "Hi and welcome to th- Y/N Good you're here!" "Hey Aphmau! Hey what are yo-!". I grab Y/N's hand and push her into a changing room with a black maid outfit...

Y/N's POV:
     Aphmau pushed me into a changing room with this black maid outfit...

Y/N's POV:     Aphmau pushed me into a changing room with this black maid outfit

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     "Aphmau! How am I supposed to wear this!" I walk out of the changing room. "Aww! Y/N~Sama looks adorable!" Kawaii~Chan says. "Now you know how I feel!" Aphmau says, "Now Kawaii~Chan put all the boys at Y/N~Sama's table!" Kawaii~Chan says. "W-what I can't serve them !" I say, "Just go!" Aphmau pushed me making me back into the  table. "M-miss are you ok?" I hear Garroth say.
     I cover my face with a tray, try to make a fake voice, and a fake name. "Um yeah... How may uh Lisa~Chan help you?" I say, I was terrible because a heard a voice say. "Y/N... we know it's you..." I pull the tray down and see Garroth, Laurence, Travis, and Aaron. "Uh h-hi guys..." I say, "So um... What would you guys like to order ?" I ask them. "You..." I hear Travis mutter  under his breath.
     "Travis... are you trying to die ?" I say though my teeth. "Ok ok sorry!" He apologizes "we'll all have 4 coffees Y/N thanks." Laurence says. "Ok be right back!" I walk away and out of the corner of my eye I can see Travis staring at my butt... I look behind my and give Travis a death glare... I start to make the coffees when Aphmau comes into the back. Panicked.
"Aphmau what's wrong ?!?!" I ask. "The musician I hired to sing IS LATE !" Aphmau explains the story to me. "What am I gonna do?!?!..." she looks at me with a smirk... "Aphmau no!", "Please Y/N!", "No!", "I'll pay you extra...", "Deal!". She explains to me how to do everything on stage. "Ok how much extra money am I making again?" "Uh like $200 bucks..." She gets on stage.
      "Hi everyone, I hope your having great time at the Cafe! So the musician I originally hired is really late! So I have a volunteer and trust me you will be amazed!" She gave me the mic and I went on stage. "H-hi everyone! I'm Y/N and I'm gonna be singing 'Don't you worry 'bout a thing' For the next song I can take suggestions!" The music starts to play and I start to sing... (Play the Music!)

     After Aphmau came up to me. "Y/N... That was amazing !" "R-really it wasn't that good..." "Oh look you have a suggestion." I walk back on stage and take the piece of paper. "Thank you, uh 'Set it all free' by Scarlet Johansson? Well ok then I've heard this song before! Hit it!" I grabbed an Electric guitar. The music plays and I start to sing...

(I couldnt find the original sorry! Just the nightcore one!)
After everything was quiet, then a bunch of cheering. Kawaii~Chan came on stage and gave me a hug. "Y/N~Sama that was amazing!" "Thanks! Be careful you'll break the guitar..." I put the guitar back and started to go back to work. I FORGOT ABOUT THE COFFEES! I rushed to get the coffees on the tray and rushed over to the boys table. "Guys I'm SO sorry I had to sing and I'm just so so sorry for the wait!" "Y/N... its fine..." Aaron says with a smile. "Yeah by the way. HOW CAN YOU SING LIKE THAT?!?!" Laurence asks me. "Oh I've been signing since I was 5 and gotten pretty good at it..." I say blushing. "Pretty good... No... that was amazing! And the guitar and everything!" Travis says. "I gotta serve other people. Bye!" I walk back over to the stage and start picking things up and putting them away. I come back down and a crowd of people surround me asking for autographs? "You want my Autograph ?" I ask. Just then a little girl weaves through everyone comes to me and says. "Of confuse you were amazing!" "Well o-ok then..." I finished doing autographs and finished doing my job. "Hey Y/N" Aphmau asks, "Yeah what's up?" I question. "Your shifts over. You can go home now, and do yo-" "Hallelujah! I get to go home and what ?" "Can you sing here every week ?" "Uh... I don't really know about that..." "You'll get paid extra." "DEAL!"

•~•~•~Time Skip to When Your Home•~•~•

     Katelyn went home, I opened the door, walked upstairs and flopped on the bed. Just then I got a text from and unknown number.

O= Oscar

O: Hi, I'm Oscar from Mine Records. I heard you singing at the Maid Cafe and a pink haired mef'wia gave me your number. I was just wondering you are very talented and would you like a record deal ?

Ch.19 Coming Soon :P

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