Ch. 6|| Zane...

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     "U-uh Hello..." I say to him. He blushes a bright red. He hands me over like a baby to Aaron. "Uh who was that ?" I ask Aaron. "Oh that's Zane... and I think he likes you...". I make eye contact with Zane and he looks away. "Oh that's just my baby brother..." I look up and see Garroth. "Just ignore him. Let's dance!" Me and Garroth start dancing till I feel someone grab my tail.
I turn around and punch who ever it was in the face. It was Travis I look at him a realize I punched him a little to hard. "Travis I am SO sorry!" I go and get him some ice. All the guys give him a death glare I didn't realize Zane followed me into the kitchen. "Sorry about Travis he can be a jerk sometimes..."
I jump and look over to see Zane in the doorway. Zane spills a drink on me reaching for a plastic baggy. "I'm so sorry !" I suddenly hear a click of a phone camera. I then get a notification on my phone. Kawaii~Chan posted a photo on Instagram. The caption said.
     Is (your ship name with Zane) Real ?!?!. With a photo of Zane cleaning me off with napkins. "KAWAII~CHAN?!?!" I scream from the kitchen.
"Yes Y/N~Sama?" She responds, "What is this photo of me and Zane ?!?!" I ask her. "But Y/-N~Sama and Zane~Kun look so cute together !" She squeals.
     "Ugh ! Don't do it again!" I push her out of the way and give Travis the ice. "Here ! And don't grab my tail again !". "Ok ok I get it !" I give him a kiss on the cheek to make him feel better. He blushes I walk back over to the pool. I just sit next to Aphmau with her feet in the water.
     She can tell something is wrong. "Y/N what's wrong?" She asks me. "Nothing Aphmau...", "No somethings wrong, is it something with Travis again!" She gets up with her fists clanged. "No no no! Just Kawaii~Chan shipped me with Zane..." I think one of the boys heard me and told the others before I knew all the guys were giving Zane death glares. "Oh yeah sorry about that. She does that a lot you'll get used to it..." she tells me. "Hey I have an idea, how about we have a sleepover with everyone !" She suggested. "Well if you really want to...". She goes to tell every one to go back to their house to get their PJs...

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