Ch. 8|| Sleepover //2// !!!

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"Oh no..." Aaron started to look away and put on a red Banda. Aaron looked and smelled sad and sits down on the kitchen floor. I crawled to him on the floor (Werewolf thing). I rest my head on his shoulder "it's ok for you not to tell me, but I'm here for you if you need me...". Aaron looks at me I stare into his eyes he stares into mine. He kisses me and I kiss back.
This lasted for about 5 minutes, I found myself at the end on top of him. "We should get back to watching the movie..." he says with a laugh. "Yeah..." I say back also with a laugh. We get up and walk back over to the couch. I sit back with Travis and I guess Aaron was fine with that after we... 'Talked'. After the movie we watched another I was tried and rested my head on Garroth's chest. Garroth tried to touch my tail but I stopped him by saying "Move the hand, or you lose the hand..." he got the point...

•~•~•~Time Skip To Morning~•~•~•

Your POV:
I wake up to a flash of light, "Ah what the?" I look up to see Kawaii~Chan with her phone taking pictures of me and Garroth! "AH Y/N~SAMA!" "Kawaii~Chan what are you doing! Delete those !" "Uh... Kawaii~Chan already posted a photo to Instagram of Y/N~Sama and Garroth~Kun..." "WHAT?!?!" I said causing Garroth to wake up. "Uhh... why are you yelling ?", "No reason!" I blush a bright red. *Ring Ring Garroth gets a phone call.

Garroth's POV:

"Sorry I have to take this." I walk outside to answer the phone. It was my mom...

Sorry these are so short !

The New Girl On Mystreet... (MyStreet boys X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz