"No it's not," he spoke, just loud enough for me to hear. "It will never be okay, as long as you are still connected with him."

Vik spoke that word with such malice, the likes of which I had never heard come out of his mouth before.

I knew he was right though, Rob was becoming more and more unstable with each day. His anger coming forth more and it honestly terrified me. There were days where I was sure he was in the right state of mind to kill someone without a second thought.

At least he admitted he has a problem and has been talking to Jon about it but I don't think it has been helping all that much. I honestly think it has been getting worse.

"I know Vik." I said softly, moving to cradle his head with my other hand, keeping him close, "I promise, I know."

"Then why are you still with him?" he asked me, his arms tightening around me.

"I don't know." I answered, "But I don't want to be anymore."

Vik quickly pulled away to look up at me, those eyes shining with unshed tears.


"Yes." I answered, my hand still cupping the back of his head, my fingers in his dark hair, "Mitch agrees with me too. We want out Vik. Rob, he...he's become unstable. He isn't safe to be around anymore."

"We noticed," mumbled Preston. I looked over at him and noticed him staring off into the distance, a hard look on his face.

Rob must have done something to Preston recently. I have never seen Preston look like that about anything. Rob is completely out of control.

"I am sorry." I spoke, looking from Preston to Vik, "I am so sorry for anything he has done."

"You don't need to apologize Buddy." spoke out Lachlan, catching my attention. "None of this has been your fault. Or Mitch's for that matter. It's all been, Rob. You don't need to apologize for that dickheads actions."

"But..." I started but I was interrupted by Vik.

"No Jerome, Lachlan is right." I turned to look down at him, my eyebrow raised, "You have no need to apologize. Just know this. If you or Mitch need any help at all getting away from Rob just please, let us know. We can help you. Please, just tell us what you need, we will do anything. We just want you two to be safe. We care about you so much."

"What about your safety?" I asked, looking down at the small boy. "Wouldn't you be worried about Rob coming after you?"

"Please." said Preston, bringing my attention to him once again, "Vik has got 6 bodyguards, I've got two overprotective Daddies, and I doubt "Papa Landon" will anything happen to his precious submissive."

"I swear to fucking god Preston." growled out Lachlan, causing us all to laugh.

I continued to hold Vik close to me.

"Are you sure you are gonna leave him, Jerome? You and Mitch?" Vik asked me innocently, looking up into my eyes.

"Yes. Yes, we are."

I felt relief flood through me at my own statement. I have been thinking about this for weeks now and because of Mitch agreeing with me, it's made it all so much easier to decide to leave Rob.

I was worried about the consequences but I believed we would be safe if we stuck with Vik and them.

At least I prayed we would be. Who knows with Rob these days?

I was brought back from my thoughts by the sound of Vik's voice.

"Alright, alright." Break it up you two. " He said, still in my arms, talking to the squabbling boys, "how about we forget all this and go get our day started."

"Fine." Muttered Lachlan and Preston.

I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah. Let's do this. I just need to buy this first and then we can go."

"Jerome, we are you buying a stuffed animal?" asked Lachlan.

"Why not?" I replied.

"Fair enough."

With a chuckle I moved to release Vik, allowing the smaller boy to step away, looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Hey now, don't be sad Vik. It's gonna be okay." I said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" he asked, still looking doubtful.

"I'm positive."

-End Chapter-

A/N: Welp, there we go. They are all back together. Now, time for them to go into London and have a lovely day. :)

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs. 

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