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So if any of you guys were told to do the blue whale challenge.... DONT EVER DO IT

So you download and app or some sort that would take all your personal information and those behind the screen will tell you to complete 50 task over 50 days and NO ONE MUST KNOW! If you refuse to then they will kill your family (since they have all the personal informations about you). The thing is the challenge goes from watching horror movies to self-harm and waking up at unusal hours and other VERY dangerous actions.

On the final they (day 50) they will tell you to commit suicide,and that's when you DIE. This 'game' had already cause so many deaths and i don't want any of you to die.

I was warned by some chain tags. So save others! Idk just tag them here or post a chapter of your own! Make them know about this dangerous game!

Here's a link to the info about this game. DONT EVER DO IT GUYS!!!

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