(R)Vern x Male!Reader [Secret]

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A/N : request by chiffonshrimp94. I'll try to write this. Maybe a little weird. I'm a little confused with the plot but i'll do my best. Art is not mine. Credit to owner

Since i'm a little late on request i do a double update again. F/N here is a girl. And MF/N is male friend's name.

Well happy reading!!
Vern was a half-goddess,and a half-human. Therefore she was afraid to use her full strength to fight anyone. If she did unleash her full power,she would be stronger than a normal god. And she could even work directly underneath the holy emperor.

But she didn't want any of that. She lived a normal life as a girl. She tried to avoide any battle she ran into. She had some friends. They were really nice to her. And one of her best friend,is Y/N.

"Hey Vern. I'm going out for a walk
You wanna come?" He asked.

"Sure. Where?" She looked at him.

"You'll see." The boy only smile at her.

"You always left me curious about things like this." She winned.

"You'll love it. I promise."

They walked to a beautiful river near the woods. There are birds and cute rabbits. Vern maybeba little cold but she is actually really nice.

"It's beautiful!" She glance around.

"Right? I spent time here to shake off my problems." The boy said.

Watching the girl walking around the area,enjoying the peace Y/N just sat down below a tree,he brushed away his h/c hair as they dance in the wind. His e/c orbs watching over Vern's move. He had feelings for her. It's been going on for a while. F/N knows about this and she supported him.

"Hey,there's a lake at the end of the river!" Vern called him.

The boy walked to the direction of her voice to find a lake at the end of the river he found.

"Awesome! I never know there was this place." He looked around in awe

"It's deep in the woods." She mumbled.

Y/N and Vern usually took a stroll together to places. The cliff,the valley,the lake. They both enjoy sightseeing and things. But Y/N never know that Vern was a half-goddess. She kept her secret,not wanting him to be afraid of her.

"You two wemt out for quite a while." F/N called when they got back.

"We got little carried away." Y/N laughed.

Suddenly she dragged the boy somewhere Vern talked to MF/N.

"So you've confess to her yet?" She asked.

"Not yet." The boy sighed.

"Come on! You've got to confess." F/N whinned

"I just don' know what to say." He said.

"You can do this,Y/N just tell her." She replied.

"I'll try." Y/N sighed.

Day by day spent with Vern and Y/N walked around and saw a lot of beautiful views. She enjoyed finding new places with Y/N. She had an interest in him. But she was too nervous to tell him.

Vern alway thought that her secret would be safe. But she was wrong. They were walking around again. It was a sunny day and it was peaceful and nice. Though it didn't last long. An ambush of bandits strike. Vern and Y/N got caught on a battle. But there were too many bandits and Y/N was injured.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Vern ran over to her.

"I'm fine. You go somewhere save." He said

"No! I'm not leaving you behind." She replied.

She used her full strength and wipe out the whole bandits. They scram and Vern walked to Y/N. An unusual power like that surely would scare him. Or so she thought.

"Vern,thanks." Y/N said.

"You're not scared?" She asked.

"Well,your power of unusual but you save me." He replied.

"And what was that power anyway?"

"I need to tell you something." She sat down next to him.

"What is it?" Y/N looked at her.

Vern told him about everything. Her being a half-goddess and all. She was ready if Y/N would hate him.

"You're not afaraid of me?" She asked.

"Why? Just hecauae you're a half-goddess?" He spoke.

"Vern,i..i love you." Y/N said.

She look at him,blushing lightly.

"I've loved you since a while back then. I'm just too nervous to tell you." He continued.

"I..love you too Y/N." She hugged him,happily smiling.

"But Y/N,can you keep my secret?" Vern said.

"Your half-goddess thing?" He asked.

Vern nod at him.

"Sure thing." He spoke.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Come on,let's go back." Y/N took her hand and walkes back to the others.

MF/N and F/N was happy to know that they're together now.

"Told you,you have nothing to worry about." F/N teased the boy.

"F/N stop that." Y/N blushed and looked away while she just laugh.
A/N : that's the end of this chapter. Hope you like it. I'm writting another chapter here pls wait for the update








Feel free to request guys. I'll try my best to finnish them. As for Zelnite i'm almost finnish. I'm kinda short on ideas right now. I'll post it after Ciara. Well then that's all for now~

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Next up : Chiara x Male!Reader

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