Lance x Reader [Wasurenagusa Pt.1]

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A/N : okay i'm breaking your heart once more with a angst-ish plot. Again from Lance's story refference.

Warning,death,sad ending i guess. I cried when i write this tbh lol. I'm so mean writting two chapters with character death

About the title Wasurenagusa is acutally the forget-me-not flower in japanese. Inspired from a song by Piko - Wasurenagusa (letter bee reverse ending)

Also this story is two part. Since i write a parted stories first pls wait for the next character x reader

Happy reading!!
You were a friend of Lance. And probably you're the only friend that he had. He came from a noble family as well as you. Your family worked together with his parents on one of the biggest company in Vriksha and that's how you two first met. From the start he was a quiet boy. He doesn't talk much to the maid,not even his parents. But when he was alone with you that kid would talk more than he usualy does.

But he never train for a battle. He just stays in the house and does something to get rid of his boredom. While you sometimes spent your time training with the bow and arrow your parents gave you. It was a very powerful weapon named Lycoris. You only had it for a few weeks but you had that talent.

Right now you were playing with the butterfly on a garden and he was just leaning to a tree. The two of you were just young teens,unaware of the big world that you live in. You were getting bored by the butterfly so you did something else



"Wear this."

You showed him the flower crown you made just now

"No." He replied bluntly.

"Come on~" you whinned.

"Y/N i'm not wearing that." He said again.

But still you put it on his head. A few minutes later he took if off. Wanting to do something fun you asked him.

"Lance! Let's go to your storehouse. Let's see what we can find." You said happily as you drag him. The boy just sigh and went along.

The two of you entered the storehouse of his estate. You looked around but you didn't find anything interesting. That is until Lance called you.

"Y/N. Come here. I found something." He said.

You came over to find a pike with a green hue and a wood-looking handle. You do realize this was the demon pike that you once read about on the library. But you didn't read the whole article.

A few days after you and Lance find that pike he asked you to go with him to train. You and him both wanted to see the world,but your parents strongly oppose your desicion. And his parents too. You can't sleep one night,with Lycoris in your hand. You already pack your things ready to go but they said no. Suddenly you hear a rock clashing against your window. You walked over and open your window.

And when you did a rock hit your face. You looked down seeing lance holding some small rocks. He's the one who throw the rock.

"Sorry." He mutters.

What surprise you wasn't the fact that he came to your house at times like this. He usually did and you two just went stargazing. It's that he had a bag with him,and Drevas in his hand.

"I thought your parents said no." You said.

"Then i'll just run away. You coming?" He asked.

You grinned and grab your bag and held Lycoris tight. Jumping down from the second floor and he catched you. And so the two of you run away from home and set off to an adventure around the world.the two of you were always together. You met all kinds of travellers,and train with them. Despite the fact that Lance was inexperienced,he was a very skilled fighter which not only surprise him but you and others as well. People rather consider him as a genius but he hates it.

"We'll stay here for a night." You said as you two finnaly find a place to stay for the night.

"I'll set the tent." Lance siad and he set up the tent.

You both do bounty hunting for a living. It was enough to live since none of you brought any money from your home. You set up the fire and had a little walk around the area and found a field of flowers.

Bright blue flowers the whole place. You looked around and you immediately know that these were forget-me-nots. Personally your favourite flowers,and Lance's too. The two two of you walk around admiring the beautiful view.

"It's beautiful,isn't?" You smiled at him.

"Yeah. Hey,stay still." He suddenly said and he did something.

You look at him,confused and curious. He picked one of the forget-me-not and put it on your head.

"There,it suits you." He smiled gently which made you blush.

"Thanks..." you looked away,hiding your red face.

"Hey,Y/N." He called.

"Yeah?" You look at him.

"...Nevermind...let's just get some sleep." He sighed.

"Okay..." you were wondering what he's going to say but you never ask him.

After that day you and Lance worked as usual and visit some amazing places. And Lance free the world tree. You never really get his mind but he said that it was his purpose. Well,it's not like you can read his mind.

But you were more of curious about the demon pike. That thing always bother you. You haven't read much about Drevas. You want to but you don't have enough time right now. But you didn't really care for that thing right now. He's with you and you're good with that.

That is,until the war with the god started.
A/N : cliffhanger. Sorry i end it there. Pls wait for the part 2. And yes this x reader is gonna go down. Sad plot and i think this one turned out pretty good.

Requests :

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Anyway i might need some time to finnish part 2 so pls wait for it guys. That's all for now. Bye~

Brave Fontier x Reader [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora