(R)Mega x Reader [Treasure]

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A/N : double update!! This one was requested by their_flower_x. Okay so pretend that Mega likes you and Stya has no feelings for him. For story purposes. I'm kinda confused of how the story goes just bear the weirdness

Last...i can't really do pirate accents. But i'll try my best. I'm just not used to it. Art is not mine. But i hope you like it *wink wonk*

Well,not much to say happy reading folks!
You were just a normal girl living in the Sama kingdom. Well,not really normal. Your sister Stya is a pirate so she's rarely seen at home. And you're an adventurer. Though you'd come back to your kingdom once in a while to check on your families and friends.

The kingdom was used to the pirate ship that sometimes stayed her for a while. Stya loves to visit you. At leasr twice a year and stays there for a while. As you saw your sister's ship on the harbour you rushed there and look for your sister. And you ran into one of the crew.

"Hey Y/N! It's been a while." MF/N called.

"Hi. Where's my sister?" You asked.

"Oh,he's up there. Go say hi to her. She misses you." He replied.

"Thanks." You ran up to the ship after that.

MF/N was a close friend of yours. You know him when Stya first return from her journey. You didn't see him that often though.

You saw your sister talking with a boy. Stya seems to have noticed you. She looked at you and wave,telling you to come over. You walk over to her and saw a pirate with brown hair and an eyepatch on his right. Your e/c orbs stare at his blue ones before he broke the silence.

"Who's the lassie?" He said.

"Oh,this is my sister,Y/N." Stya replied.

"Nice to meet you." You spoke.

"Nice to meet ya. The name's Mega." He said.

And that's how you met him. Tired,the crew stayed at Sama for a while. Mega and MF/N stayed at your empty room in the house. You,travel as usual around and maybe went for a bounty hunting.

He took a walk around the nearby forest. When suddenly something passed him from above. He looked up and saw your h/c locks flowing in the wind while you were swinging from branch to branch.

"What are ya doing here,lassie?" He called.

"Going out for a little bit." You replied.

"Never thought that Stya's sister would be as wild as her." He chuckled.

"Well,we're sisters." You grinned.

Mega's POV

We walked around together for a while. Before returning to her house for dinner. During the walk i took a closer look at her features. Her long eyelashes. Her h/l h/c locks that bounce as she walks. And not to mention her shinny e/c orbs. She's gorgeous.

"Not much place to discover here in Sama." Y/N spoke at dinner.

"Well all you did everyady was travelling around,so of course you've seen almost everything." Stya replied.

"Hey,what if i come along with you,Sis?"

Me and Stya's eye widen a little at her words.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Why not? I'm experienced." She grins.

"Then you can come along." I spoke.

And so with that Y/N packed her stuff and went along with us. Her parents know she was a wild girl from the start so they can't stop her from doing what she wants.

Your POV

It's amazing being on a pirate ship with Mega,Sister and MF/N. I got to know a lot of places and fin many treasures. But captain didn't really give me any orders.

I sometimes admire him while he commands other people. His brown hair. And his ocean blue orbs.

"Y/n are you okay?" Stya's voice bring me back to reality.

"Yeah,I'? Fine." I replied.

"You like Mega?" She whispered.

I blushed and look at her. Sister only chuckle and left. Maybe i have fall for that captain.

Well things are going well for now.But soon the kingdom's Navy asked him to join. And a while later some of the crew and other pirates began to despise him. But they didn't show it. Though MF/N didn't. But i know Mega realize this. Right now we have just retrun from a cave with lots of jewelry. During the sail i sense a presence. And so did Mega and sister.

It was a surprise attack from the gods. I couldn't act faster. And Mega protected everyone else. The ship was damaged and Mega fell into the deep ocean with some of the treasures. Amd he had serious injuries.

I jump right in to look for him. I could hear my sister's vocie calling my name. I couldn't care less. Using my magic i could breathe underwater and swim down for Mega. And mighr as well grab a small bag of the jewelry i have found.

'Mega,please be alright.' I thogught to myself.

I found him drowining. I grip his hand thight and pull him. But i ran out of powers and soon enough i can't really breathe. My hand start to slip of his wrist and the bag. He then carry me bridal style and swim up. Leaving the treasures behind.

Luckily we were near a small island. We swim to the shore and laid on the sand,tired.

"Thanks,lassie." He said.

"Why didn't you grab the hag?" I look at him.

"For me the real treasure is you,Y/N."

Before i could say anything he moved closer and kissed me. I tensed up and blushed like mad. But i soon find myself melting into the kiss. He moved back,grinning at me.

"I love ya,lassie."

"I love you too,captain." I hugged him.

Soon enough Stya and others find us. The ship wasn' damaged that much so we can still sail back to Sama.

"Anything happen while we're away?" Stya smirked at me.

"N-not really." I replied and walk away,blushing.

While i did i swear i could hear my sister mumbling

"I knew Mega would have interest in her." She chuckled and my face got redder.
A/N : that's the end of it. Hope you guys loved it~ it got a bit weird lol. But i finnished it and i think this was good.








Feel free to request. I'll work on them as fast as i could. Well see you on next update. As for the Lance request i will dp it after Vargas. I'm halfway on the chapter

Instagram : @Mayote_Shoujo
Line ID : vaniasantosa
BBM pin : 595337E3
Tumblr : Mayote-Shoujo

Next up : Vargas x Reader

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