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Okay,not much to say here. So this is the request page. All request goes here. Remember i don't accept the ones on chapter so request on this kind of pages ONLY so please request here

Also please remember i might update real slow. I'm a student right now so please understand the slow update. But i will try to update as soon as possible.

Right now (when i release this chapter) i have no request so the available space to request are 6/6 so feel free to request. First request first serve lol

Before requesting please resd the rules on the first A/N and request chapter. Currently writting Lance x reader pls wait guys

Also for those who want to contact me other than via wattpad. I don't really open wattpad for notification. So you guys can contact me here

Instagram : @Mayote.Shoujo
Line ID : vaniasantosa
BBM pin : 595337E3

It think that's all i have to say for now,bye~ and enjoy the next chapter. Please look forward to the next update.

Brave Fontier x Reader [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora