(R)Arius x Sister!Reader [Brother's Love]

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A/N : request by GabrielPalompo. Not sure you ask for incest where they were related by blood or not. But imma go with not blood-related. I'm a little uncomfortable with incest blood-related.

Also he loves/obsessed with you,not Selena. And enjoy this picture of his. Art isn't mine. Credits to owner(s).

Arius had always been so protective over his sister,Y/N. Was it love,or perhaps he had a little obession over her? Who knows. Well his little sister is really beautiful. With her h/l h/c locks and beautiful e/c orbs. Many men had fall for her. From commoners to royal. But sadly no one eve got close to her because of her brother. The two weren't related by blood. His parents adpoted her when he was still a kid.

"Arius!" Her angelic voice called from the door.

"What is it,Y/N?" The prince glance to the girl as she hug him from his back.

"Ah,you're painting a picture of me again!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah,because you're so pretty." He replied.

"Why don't you draw yourself once in a while?" She asked.

"Well i can paint a picture of you and me." Arius smiled to the girl.


Both royals had talent in using blade with ice and water powers. The two were often seen together. Arius and Y/N often go to missions together.

Okay let me rephrase that.

They always go together on any missions.

Because the burnette wouldn't want to go if his sister is on a different mission. But his little Y/N is waay to dense to notice the fact that his brother liked her.

Everyone in the family knows. If she was his actual sister it would have been different. But since she's adopted no wonder Arius would fall for her. He had been waiting to be in a relationship with her. Y/N,had a similar feelings. But thinking that the prince was related by blood to her she didn't know what to do.

"Selena,what should i do?" She asked.

"About what?" The bluenette look at her.

Y/N told her about her feelings for Arius. The ice godess just look at her in slight confusion.

"You mean you don't know?"

"About what?" She tilted her head to the side.

"It's beter if you find out from your family." Selena spoke.

"But i wanna know." Y/N whinned.

The ice goddes simply laughed,causing her to be confused more than ever.


"Y/N if you don't wake up i'll have to do it myself."

"Brother,just a little more."

The two voices argued for around a minute or two before Arius had have up. He tug away her sheets and the girl sat up slowly,rubbing her e/c eyes before looking at him.

"I'm up." She pouted.

"Come on. We got work to do."

After having breakfast they head to the outskirts to deal with some monster and some bandits that are quite active lately. The soldiers weren't enough to stop them so for sure they're strong. But at then end when they were fighting the bandits,Y/N hurt herself and got a deep cut around her stomach. Arius quickly rush up to her amd check on her condition. She's fine, she just need some medical help.

The prince look over to the bandits with his sapphire orbs,looking really scary. With one swing of his sword and they're done for. Without hesitating he rush back to the castle to take care of his little Y/N.

"What happen?" F/N was the first to rush up when he was back.

"..that's a pretty deep wound.." She mumbled after seeing hr wound.

The h/c haired girl was in her room to recover. Arius didn't go to any missions. He just sat there takig care of her with F/N.

"You know you don't have to look after me all day. F/N can handle everything." Y/N chuckled lightly.

"I wanted to look after you." He simple replied.

"Is that a new painting..?" She walk ober slowly to him.

Yes,he was paintig while taking care of his little sister.

"Yeah,what do you think?"

In the canvas was a incomplete picute of Y/N and Arius,still in the works. Some parts weren't coloured yet,but it was coming togethr nicely.

"I like it!" Y/N hugged and kiss the prince on his cheek.

Arius blushed a little and just smile as he return the kiss before going back to his paintings with his sister hugging him. It probably will took some time before Y/N finds out they weren't related by blood.
A/N : hope you like it. Sorry it was a little short. And the fricking slow update. Phone broke down so i had to use my mom's tab for a while before i got my samsung note back. Anyway that's for today's update!


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Line ID : vaniasantosa
BBM pin : 595337E3
Tumblr : mayote-shoujo

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