Lario x Reader [Archery]

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A/N : i'm back. I kinda get stuck at writting this one. Sorry if it's not that good. Having the brave frontier wiki app really helped me look for reference lol.

Also F/N is a girl and MF/N is male friend's name.

Anyway happy reading~
Here you are,walking around the forest,enjoying the breeze. After doing some work you got lost here. Having thr carefree life you don't mind and just walk around the area. You saw some pixies,and you decided to play with them a little while training a little bit.

Living a carefree hunter's life is the best thing you ever decided. Instead of being locked up in a mansion. Your parents wanted you to be that noble they always dreamed of. But you insist in being a hunter. After days of constant argument they finnaly let you go.

Despite your noble background you actually had a lot of friends that didn't come from a noble family. Well you often escape the estate and play with the kids on the village. They welcomed you as a hunter and you're living with F/N and MF/N in a small cottage by the outskirts of the forest. You lived in the area where other hunters also live. It was a nice and peacefull place.

You're quite the archer. But you do feel that there's a lot more archers and hunters out there that are more experienced. So you train dialy at the forest to sharpen your skills. Today's training is going well.

But right now feeling someone's presence behind you quickly draw your bow,ready to strike.

"Who's there." You spoke.

"Whoa,whoa. Hold you arrows." A male voice replied.

He walked closer and you got a chance to see his face. When you did you just run to him and hug the shit out of that guy.

"Lario!" You chirped happily.

"It's been a while huh,Y/N." He replied.

"It is. Where the hell have you been?" You questioned.

"Just doing some business." He said.

He's your childhood friend. Both you and Lario are talented in archery. You first met him when you were training in the woods. He was once a hunter before he had to protect the princess. He's been living with the pixies after the war. Its been a while since you last see that guy's face.

"Wanna visit the pixies?" He asked.

"Sure. Why not?"

The two of you paid a visit to the pixies. The welcome you both happily. You were catching up with Titania,Faris,Leore,Lidith and the others on recent activities. While Lario went who knows where. Titania was busy taking care of the kingdom.

And since Lario didn't return for a while Faris went to look for him. So you were with Lidith and Leore,talking about things.

"Nee,Y/N..." Lidith called.

"What?" You replied.

"You like Lario,don't you." She said.

You froze.

"W-what? Why did you say that?" You reply rather nervously.

"Come on,Y/N. It's obvious. Like,everyone here knows it." Leore added.

You blush as you just nod at their statement.

Before Leore could say anything more the pixies called him and so he left,leaving you and Lidith.

"Why don't you confess?" She said.


"Hello~ my sister likes him too,duh. So if you want to say it,say it" she replied.

Well,to be honest you were not that close with that guy. Archery was the only thing that kept you close to Lario. You never know if he likes you back.


"No butts. Trust me. It'll work." Lidith cut you off.

You sighed and in the end you agreed with her to confess.

Soon enough Faris came back with Lario. Although she seemed a little down. You don't know why. But you thought it's better to not ask. You then dragged him somewhere private where the two of you could have a talk privately.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He spoke.

"So,um..i,have something to say." You replied.

"What is it?"

"I...i like you." You shouted a little.

His eyes widen at your words,while you're looking down.

"Uh..will you go out with me?" You said again,still looking down.

He didn't answer for a moment.

Curious,you decided to look up. Only to find your lips clashing against his.

Lario kissed you gently and soon you find yourself melting into it and you kiss him back. In need of air you both pulled away.

"Did that answer your question?" He grins.

You nod shyly in reply.

"I like you too,Y/N." He said as he blushed a little.

After that both of you walked back to where the others are. But none of you noticed that Faris was watching from a tree not too far away.

"At least i've confessed." She sighed.

All the pixies were surprised and at the same time happy to know you two finnaly get together.

Although you didn'r realize it but he steal kisses from you when you were asleep at night.

But you were really glad to have left your home and met him. Running away from home. Becoming a hunter,living the carefree life,meeting Lario and became his girlfriend.

Start learning archery was your best. desicion. ever
A/N : lol this was okay. Not that good. Well,i tried. Hope you guys liked it. I find this chapter cute hahaha


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Still no request for now. Well, i will just write whatever i have in mind lol. Feel free to request. I'l do my best.

Instagram : @Mayote_Shoujo
Line ID : vaniasantosa
BBM pin : 595337E3
Tumblr : Mayote-Shoujo

Next up : Raydn x reader

See you next chapter

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