Sodis x Reader [Lonley]

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A/N : art is not mine. Credit to vayreceane. Just wanna give refference for his helmetless face hahaha. Should i write some Alyut x reader? Lol. Again possible OOC in here

Welp just saying this one is sad. And maybe angst-ish. So maybe some little tears. And this might be a slight headcanon i had in my mind. I still take a reference from their stories.

This turned out longer than i expected lol.

Heppi reading~
Sodis was a good friend of Y/N. He is a guardian and she is just a regular swordmen. They first met in the woods. Both were different but he enjoyed his time spent with her. The other guardians also know her and liked her presence. Sodis usually crack jokes here and there,which Y/N liked.

"Y/N stop playing with my hair." Alyut groaned a little.

"But Sodis isn't around and i'm soo bored." She whinned while Raydn just laugh.

"You're really close with my brother,huh?" The silveenette said.

"Well,he's nice and funny too." The girl replied.

She played with her hair for a while as the tree talked about things.

"I wonder what Sodis actually looked like." She mutters

"Hm?" Alyut look at her.

"I mean behind his helmet." She added.

"Can you just ask him to take it off?" Raydn said.

"Worth a shot." Y/N replied.

When Sodis return from wherever he was she asked him to take off that helmet. He did and Y/N finnaly has the chance to see his face. He had his hair tied up neatly and she also got to see his emerald orbs. She couldn't help but notice a scar on his face.

"Sodis,what's wit the scar?" Y/N asked curiously.

"Nothing. It was from a battle long ago." He replied.

"It looks cool." She chuckled.

Y/N and Sodis got closer as time pass by. The others noticed this. That she had a crush on Sodis. It was pretty obvious to them. Whenever they talk to her about the guardian chief she always got nervous.

"Y/N it's too obvious. Even Luly can see that you like him." Lunaris chuckled.

"Why don't you confess?" Ramna said.

"Easy for you to say. You have Farlon." Y/N pouted.

"You think it's easy?" Ramna replied.

One day Sodis left. Y/N thought that he was just going for a walk. That he would return like he always did soon enough. Until the rumour spread,that he betrayed the gods. Zephyr and Signas were going to look for him,and Y/N said she wanted to come. She wanted to know the truth.

After a while searching they found him. He told all of them what happened. About the gods who wanted to destroy humanity. In the end Y/N,Zephyr and Signas joined him in rebelling the gods. Zephyr left to collect information. While he was away a lot of things happened. Farlon took the chance to fight him. Only to be defeated. Y/N knew Sodis was holding back so thay he didn't accidentally kill him. Ramna who was with him listened to the guardian chief's words and she too decided to rebel as well.

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