I'm So Crazy About You Aorta Be Committed

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Disclaimer: Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just playing with it.

Warning: This story is purely made for feel-goods and laughter. I do not care one bit, not one bit, about your science, good sir. This story will have the occasional dash of angst, because it is a good seasoning to every story. This particular chapter shall add said seasoning.

Beta: SolarCupid (☞ ᐛ )☞

Guess whose POV is at the end of the chapter? :D

I also addressed Sakura's sexuality at the bottom.

( 。◕‿‿◕。)

I took a long swig of my water, feeling increasingly more tired with every second that passed by. While healing the children, my Shōsen caught the attention of surrounding adults who then asked if I was a doctor. I told them I was training to become one, which seemed more than good enough for them. For an hour, I was pulled across town as people begged me to heal loved ones.

Then one of them suggested setting me up in a specific location and bringing people to me.

So, they set me up in the old clinic (the doctor had left towards the beginning of Gato's reign, and the place had been thoroughly ransacked since then for the precious medicine). Feeling in a particular mood, I took off my hoodie and pulled out a long white doctor coat I bought for such an occasion.

Granted, I had hoped to use it in another elaborate ploy to coax another amusing reaction from Kakashi, but given that I had chosen praise over such a thing, the plan would never come to fruition.

Villagers lined up outside, each with varying degrees of illness or injuries. Many villagers helped carry the more significantly injured towards the front of my line, and right off the bat I was greeted with ghastly infected cuts, and oozing orifices.

I had to consult my textbooks repeatedly to treat most of the cases brought to me. All broken bones I set (sometimes I had to rebreak which made me cringe the first few times) and put in a cast, knowing better than to try and heal them on my own. Illnesses, I did what I could to alleviate their symptoms, but I stressed they would have to visit a proper doctor for medication. I was able to diagnose a fair few cases, which seemed to help them as they knew "home remedies." Infected wounds, I siphoned off as much of the injection as I could and purged it with my chakra before closing the wound and prescribing bed rest and giving them what antibiotics I could spare. They would be feverish for a while, but with most of the infection "sucked out", and the wound closed there was a good chance they would recuperate on their own.

Unfortunately, that was not always the case. There were two men brought to me who had gangrene severe enough that the only way to save them was amputation.

Something of which I was really not qualified to do, so I sent a villager to go to Tazuna's home and tell them that I needed some kind of clone of Kakashi for a bit.

Half an hour later one shadow clone of Kakashi was at my side.

"Um," was all I said, gesturing towards the unconscious men. I had numbed and knocked them out. They rested side by side in the clinic, faint moans rising out of them occasionally.

Kakashi heaved out a sigh. "I probably should have anticipated this would happen."

"Apparently, they've been without a doctor for six months," I mumbled.

Kakashi scratched his cheek. "Tazuna mentioned something like that, yes." He made a hm. "You know this doesn't pertain to our mission, right?"

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