Chapter thirty eight

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Dinner went great. We all sat and talked amongst each other like a big happy family and everybody seemed to enjoy the food.
I laid in bed thinking about how surprisingly good my day went until my phone rung pulling me out my thoughts, "Merry Christmas Eve." Tristan grinned. "It's not Christmas Eve, wait is it?" I asked before checking the date on my phone. "Omg Merry Christmas Eve." I gasped before we both busted out laughing. "I don't think people actually tell each other merry Christmas ever but I figured that would give me a reason to call." he said looking at his tv instead of me. I sat there quietly starring at him smiling until he spoke again. "So how was your day"? he asked still watching tv  "Honestly  it was great, I couldn't have had a better day."

I woke up to Tristan snoring in my ear, I tried making all kinds of noise to wake him up but nothing worked so I just went ahead and showered up.
When I got out the shower Kaprial and Ruby were both laird out across my bed on their phones. "Well good morning." I said grabbing their attention. "Good morning" they both smirked before turning their attention back to their phones.
After getting dressed Mel and I made breakfast and we all ate before heading to the mall to do some last minute Christmas shopping. When Tristan finally woke up he told me he would meet me at the mall because he wanted to see men before he left for Jacksonville. I was pretty much done with Christmas shopping I just needed to pick up a few more things for Johnathan and since Tristan said something about having a gift for me I wanted to find something for him.
Tristan arrived just as we were getting ready to leave and we exchanged gifts promising we wouldn't open them until tomorrow morning. He helped me pick some stuff up for Johnathan and then we all left. It was around three when me and the girls got back in. The smell of soul food hit me as soon as we walked through the door. My mom always started her cooking on Christmas Eve and so did my grandmother so it was pretty much a tradition. After wrapping gifts me and the girls came back downstairs to help in the kitchen. I was surprised to see my mom and Mary both in the kitchen cooking in talking but I was glad to see them getting along. My dad and john seemed to be hitting it off to. We played games and sung Cherokee in our onesies until it was time to eat. After everyone was seated at the dinner table I led us in a prayer and then we dug in.
My dad randomly handed me a vanilla envelope and inside of the envelope there was an acceptance letter from the university of California. "It came in the mail on Saturday, I wanted to call you and tell you as soon as it came but then again I wanted to see the look on your face when you opened it." I looked up at my dad and then at my mom and they both had huge smiles plastered on there faces. I seen tears forming in my dads eyes so I stood up to go and give him a hug. "This is exactly what you wanted." He stated wiping his tears. "And I couldn't be any happier, I know I was hard on you at first but I new this day would come and scared me knowing that my little girl wanted to be so far away but I have to accept the fact that your growing up now and just trust that you'll make great decisions." I looked over to my mom who was now wiping away her tears and I went to give her a hug. "Please don't cry. Why are you guys doing this to me?" I cried. "let's let this be a happy moment, I love you both so much and I want you both to know that I couldn't have done it without the extra motivation you two have given me along the years. I owe all of my success to the two greatest parents a girl could ever ask for.

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