Chapter five

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--------------------Andrews POV-------------------

After I stopped by cadence's house I went to Verizon to get my phone checked I had an hour to wait so I decided to go check on my daughter since they lived close by. ambers parents were pretty well off so she lived on her own. I pulled up and knocked at the door. minutes later Amber answered the door looking like she hadn't slept in days. "everything good?" I asked as she motioned for me to come in. we walked into the living room where I seen Ariah in her bouncer, "I'm just tired" she finally said "Ariah has been running a fever for the last couple of days I took her to the doctor and they said she has an ear infection and she's just now starting to get better. I haven't even been to work in a week because i didn't wanna be away from her" I picked up Ariah and sat down on the couch "why didn't you call me? I am her dad Amber, I would of helped you with her" she rolled her eyes, you have school and basketball and stuff "yeah, and I have a daughter who comes first to everything. I'd like to know when she's not feeling well. Let me worry about school and basketball and "stuff." Whether you have it through your head or not our daughter is my main priority and she has been ever since the day I met her." Amber got up and walked to the kitchen, I sat there still playing with my daughter. She's getting so big, I can't believe she's almost 8 months. four more months and she'll be one. Every time I think of how Amber kept her away from me I get mad all over again. sometimes co parenting is hard but I'll always be here for my daughter no matter how hard It gets and it couldn't be any easier for Amber to raise her on her own. so I still don't get it. I needed to leave soon though so I can pick up my phone. so I got up and laid Ariah back down to leave "you wanna take her with you?" Amber asked I really need to get back to the club tonight, I was gonna call you and bring her by anyways. she has a bag packed in her room." Amber is a stripper and I hated her talking about being at the club. that's one of the things that broke us up. and plus I don't want my daughter thinking that shit is okay."you got plenty of money why you still working at the club? I thought you been quit there? and you know I don't need no bag she got shit at my house just get me the car seat" don't be cursing at me like that in my house around my child and I'm grown. I don't wanna live off my parents forever and the club is the easiest way to get what I need. Ariah will be fine and her car seat is at the door.. I ignored her comment because it was really no need to get into an argument with her and turned my head towards the door I spotted Ariah's seat, and strapped her down After I put her in the car I gave her mom a little bit of time to say bye to her and we headed out. Amber was a good mother she just made a lot of stupid decisions and had a really bad attitude. tomorrow was thanksgiving so we decided that I would have her for the first half of the day and Amber would have for the second half of the day and then Amber would drop her back off sometime on Saturday. I was late picking up my phone so it was already ready when I got there. It was getting chilly out and I had Ariah with me so we went in for the night.

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