Chapter two

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10:51 am

*phone ringing*
Baby don't let me down, gotta lot going on right now and I need you to hold me. need you to hold meeeee. 🎶

I rolled over grabbed my phone and locked my screen, I already knew it was Andrew. it had been the third time He had called me this morning. Andrew is my boyfriend who I'm not speaking to at the Moment, we been together a little over and year and I'm just finding out he has a daughter, I know right who hides a whole child for a year and two months?

baby don't let me.. 🎶

I screamed into my pillow and picked up the phone, finally answering this time."WHAT?" I asked annoyed, "hey, can I come over?" he asked not phased by my attitude at all, "I'm busy today what do you need?" I said even more annoyed "We need to talk and I wanna see you" I rolled my eyes. "oh now you wanna talk? you should of did a whole lot of talking a long time ago, I don't care to hear what you have to say right now and I told you I'm busy today" I said hanging up. deciding to get up and start my day I dragged my self straight out of bed. as soon as I got up I was forced to face a photo of me and Andrew I had placed on my wall near the bathroom. I put my head down and continued walking to my bathroom.. I got so deep into my thoughts I didn't even notice my eyes were watering I sighed and finished washing my face. after brushing my teeth I walked back into my bed room seeing ruby laying on my bed. I was kinda taken back "what are you doing here? how did you get in?" she gave me a weird look, umm did you forget we were all going to the mall today? and your dad let me in.. she said with the same questioning look on her face.. "Ohh yeah.. the mall.." I said looking through my closet, she starred at me for a minute before speaking again "you look kinda down, who's ass am I beating, what's wrong?" I looked at her and laughed a bit knowing she wasn't playing about beating someone's ass for me. "I'm fine." I said.. She looked at me and cut her eyes. "fr tell me" it was now my turn to roll my eyes. I didn't even know why I even tried keeping things from her. I sighed, "I finally told my dad what college I was leaning towards and of course he didn't take it well.. I don't get why he thinks I have to be glued to his side forever and on top of that Andrew called me this morning asking to come over so we could talk but I really have no words for him right now.. Idk" she gaged "for one Andrew can kick rocks he didn't think it was important to tell you his GIRLFRIEND that he has a fucking child so what else has he lied about? you can't trust that. who hides there two and a half year old daughter? and your dad is just gonna have to get over it, your almost grown and your gonna continue to grow up. he should be glad you even wanna go to college and you wanna go to a great school, just give him time. I stayed quite and continued to look through my closet  finally deciding on some boyfriend jeans, a white button down shirt and my white and black cheetah roches.
come on girl Ruby said, we have plans for a great day don't be down. I'm smiled and she gave me and evil smirk we both busted out laughing. after about thirty minutes in the shower i got out lotion'd up and got dressed. as soon as I walked out the bathroom my room door opened and kaprial walked in. "Hey bitches" she said all happy still smiling down at her phone I looked at her and laughed. hey hoe me and Ruby said at the same time, she finally looked away from her phone and laughed alright now she said looking back into her phone giggling. it was kind of our thing. we were all really playful and super protective over each other our sister ship was great. I grabbed my makeup bag and sat at my vanity mirror. I was so super into makeup. Like what girl doesn't wanna serve life everyday? after moisturizing and priming my face I filled my eye brows and started scrambling through my bag trying to find the perfect eye shadow for today. I decided to go with a natural look so I went with a brown that blended with my skin and added a tent of gold. after applying my foundation and unwrapping my hair I was finally ready. about damn time Ruby said as I was putting on my shoes. "Uh.. Beauty takes time, leave me lone." I said "whatever you don't need all that makeup and shit" I mentally chocked her. Ruby was a tom boy so she wasn't for all the makeup and stuff but damn let me live, "can y'all stop arguing already" kaprial said. I seen Ruby cock her head so I knew she was about to say something smart "nobody arguing you phone head. get your head out your phone and tune into the world and you would know" Ruby finished i looked at kaprial to see if she was going to say something and laughed. typical us. I grabbed my keys and we all headed to the door. I screamed to tell my dad I was leaving because I really didn't wanna be face to face with him after last night. I grabbed some fruit out the fridge and headed to my car.

Andrew POV.
I woke up thinking about cadence, we haven't really talked much since she found out i have a daughter. I should of told her but I didn't even find out until a couple months into our relationship and that would of just looked bad. before me and cadence made it official I was seeing Amber. me and amber had an off and on relationship for years and when I met cadence me and Amber were in a rocky spot and I fell out of love with her. after about three months of being separated from amber me and cadence started talking more and after a while we made it official. Amber found out she was pregnant and decided to keep it from me. I didn't know anything about my daughter until amber's dad showed up at my house saying I was a horrible dad and he was tired of me not owning up to my responsibilities  I didn't even know I had a baby if I did I would of definitely been there from the start. me and Amber had a big fall out over that but now we're co parenting and things have been good between us. But now of course me and cadence are in a rocky spot. I got up and decided to call cadence, after trying to call her twice I gave up and went to go take a shower. all I could think about while I was in there was cadence.. I know I was wrong for not telling her right away but I swear I was going to , I just wanted to wait until the time was right. as soon as I got out the shower I got dressed and called cadence again, after a few rings she finally answered "WHAT" she said into the phone, I could tell from the sound of her voice that I had woken her up from her sleep but i know that wasn't the reason she answered so rudely. "hey um can I come over" I asked not even bothering to ask her about her attitude. "I'm busy today what do you need?" she asked "i wanna see you and we need to talk" she giggled a bit "oh now you wanna talk? You should of did a whole lot of talking a long time ago and I don't really care to hear what you have to say right now plus I told you I'm busy today and with that she hung up. I really wanted to call her back but I decided it would be pointless so I decided to call my homebody Quan instead.

what's up bro he said answering the phone, "ain't shit man, trying to find some shit to do today, what you trying to get into?" I'm at the crib right now with rondo, come chill we gonna ball later and then probably hit up the mall" alright word, I'll be over there in about 10 minutes.

after hanging up with Quan i called to check on Ariah, went to talk with my parents for a little and then I headed out.

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