Chapter nineteen

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On the way home we passed melody walking so I turned around and asked her if she needed a ride home, she was hesitant because she said her house was right up the street but kaprial convinced her to get in the car.

I'm kaprial btw kaprial said as melody was getting in the car. Melody smiled softly and nodded her head, nice to meet you in melody. the car was dead silent until Rae sremmurd come get her came on. Kaprial turned up the radio and all of us got ratchet, come get her is probably one of my favorite twerk songs right now, idgaf where I'm at imma stop and shake my ass whenever wherever it comes on. Kaprial got out her phone and recorded all of us on her snap chat, when that song went off Beyoncé's formation came on. I can't even begin to explain to y'all how In love I am with the whole lemonade album, Beyoncé really did the damn thang and I'm here for everything I stand for. I was singing quietly bobbing my head to the lyrics until melody interrupted. girl if I could learn how to sing like you I might be able to survive in chorus class.. " you tripping, you can sing just as well as me probably even better" I wish she said going back to mumbling the lyrics to the song. oh shit I said turning into my drive way realizing that I had completely forgot  that I was supposed to be drooping melody off at home. whats wrong? melody and Kaprial both asked at the same time, I totally forgot that we were supposed to be taking melody home, where do you live? I asked cranking my car back up. "oh shit I forgot to, we were so hyped I forgot I was going home" she laughed. umm 16 king street I think, wait let me call my mom to make sure. " You sure? this is 14 King street any of these houses next door look familiar?" She looked around for a sec and then pointed to the house to the left of me, that one. "oh thank god" I said laughing. we got out the car and parted ways. you should come over Kaprial suggested. "I would but I promised my brother and sister I'd get them off the bus today, and I wanna make them a snack for them before they get home, maybe some other time." she said waving bye. "anytime" I said unlocking the house door.

I guess were adding another chick to the group Kaprial said walking into the kitchen, she seems really cool though so I don't mind, she looks like one of us, talks like one of us and she shore as hell knows how to throw her ass back like us. I looked at her and laughed "girl you stupid, but yeah she does seem really cool."

Me and Kaprial grabbed a snack and then headed upstairs to my room, we both had projects to work on for our business and management class so we started on that.

what's your business plan? I asked Kaprial while looking online for a shop for my business. "A bathing suit line, called BBW but I don't just wanna market bathing suites, I wanna sell all kind of pool/ beach attire, sun glasses, flip flops, bathing suit coverups all that." Okay bitch, I see you. she giggled, what's your plan? A Clothing line titled PC. I wanna market and design formal and causal wear as well as accessories such as shoes, shades and jewelry." okay let's go all out then and you know our shops gotta be right next door , and I want a BBW rack up in there. I laughed, "girl you can have three BBW racks up in that bitch."

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