Chapter seven

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Rubs POV

the previous morning

I left cadence's house around three yesterday so I could go home to finish pack. my parents, my siblings and I were leaving first thing in the morning to spend thanksgiving in New Jersey with my family. Where I live in Manhattan to where my grandparents live in New Jersey its about a two and a half hour drive which really isn't that far.

After getting packed up and helping my little brother and sister Cameron and Carmen pack I went with my dad to pick up the rental we were gonna be taking on our trip. we were a family of six so neither my dads car, my moms car on my car would fit all of us plus our luggage. my dad owned the company we were getting the rental from. he wants me to take over for him someday and that's actually something I'm really look forward to. of course I'm going to college and everything so I can build my own empire but I have no problem running his when it becomes to much for him.

I dropped my dad off at the dealership and went to go pick up Alaina from her friends house. she was the second oldest at sixteen and then there was Cameron and cadence who just turned three. after picking up Alaina I decided to stop by Walmart. me and Alaina where arguing over what flavor of Doritos were better when I seen Amber, Andrews baby mama. I wasn't sure if she new who I was until I heard her talking about how cute her and Andrews daughter was and how they would be forever connected due to the baby. and that he was at her house earlier in her bed napping with ariah. I didn't even bother to listen to what else she had to say. I grabbed my nacho flavored Doritos and walked away. she's petty as fuck. she probably thinks that imma take what she just said and run it back to Cadence but she thought. I am not about to stress my Bestfriend out over Andrews trifling ass baby mama. Andrews ain't dumb and she knows exactly what she's doing trying to stir shit up. she better watch herself.
the whole ride home all I could think about was petty Labell childish ass, she better know she got the wrong one. I just pray she keeps her distance cause shit won't end cute if she come for my Bestfriend.

Andrews POV

Thanksgiving day
The sound of my phone ringing woke me up it was Amber telling me to have ariah ready by twelve. I thought we agreed on me having her for half the day and you having her for the second half of the day? I said sitting up in my bed. "Yeah but the club needs me in tonight, I can't not go into work and you'll still have her for half the day.." That's not the point I had plans for tonight and I'm pretty sure I told you that but aight amber. I said hanging up the phone. I have no problem with keeping my daughter at any given time but knowing Amber she probably volunteered to come in tonight just because I told her about my plans later on with cadence. I looked at the clock and it was 11 o clock on the dot and I needed to get Ariah ready by twelve. she was still asleep so I gently wiped her off, dressed her and laid her back down. I called my sister Shyla to watch her while I went to shower up and she came and took her down stairs where everyone was. when I finished showering up and getting ready I walked down stairs. it was thanksgiving so we had all the family over. as soon as I got into the living room I seen my grandma playing and talking to Ariah, I pulled out my phone and took a picture. today was the first time my family would be meeting her. my grandma finally looked away from Ariah and noticed me. she's so pretty Andrew I love her already. and she's so big.. yes she is she said cooing at Ariah thanks grammie i said going over and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I heard all my aunts in the kitchen with my mom so I went in to go say hi before I went to go join my dad and uncles in the game room. "ANDREW" my aunt Norma yelled as soon as I made my presence in the kitchen. hey auntie I said going to give her a hug, moving along the line to give the rest of my aunts hugs. how are you baby? my next aunt Lilly Said "I'm great, how are kj and Lewis?" their both doing good, getting on my nerves every damn day but their good" I laughed that's good "I seen your little baby she's so beautiful, but how are you and cadence I know this must be hard on her, y'all still together? I haven't seen her in so long how is she?" we good, still together! shit i forgot to call her I remembered it totally slipped my head after picking up Ariah fuck. "Leave that boy alone" my aunt Jackie said "go on ahead with the men, their all in the game room baby" I nodded my head and headed to the game room. on the way there I pulled out my phone and send cadence a long apology text I hope she's not super mad at me. hopefully she's super busy and I'm the last thing on her mind..

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