Chapter thirty four

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As soon as we got home I hopped straight into the shower and then fell asleep.
I woke up to use the bathroom and couldn't fall back to sleep, I don't know if I was paranoid or if I was really hearing noises coming from downstairs. I slipped on a pair of house shoes and crept downstairs, I didn't see anyone in the living room so I slowly made my way to the kitchen. I was relieved when I saw it was only Tristan and his little brother Cole preparing breakfast. "I didn't wake you did I?" Tristan asked when he noticed me peeping around the corner. "Nope" I said stepping from behind the wall. "But you did scare me." I confessed. "I apologize for that, I didn't know you were still asleep or I would of been quieter, your friend let me in by the way and she told me it was okay if Cole tagged along so I hope you don't mind." He finished. Not at all I said adding water to the coffee pot. And Good morning Cole I smiled noticing he was starring at me. "Good morning pretty lady." He smiled back. Tristan continued stirring the grits as he shook his head. "What?" Cole asked confused "She is a pretty lady and besides I don't know her name." He shrugged. "I'm cadence." I said walking over to shake his hand.
I was pouring myself a cup of coffee when Ruby and melody walked into the kitchen smiling. I just shook my head at them knowing they were up to no good. "Is Kaprial still asleep?" I asked walking out the the kitchen. "Either that or she's on the phone." Ruby called out behind me.
When I got to her room she was knocked out, after recording a video of her and posting it to my story I woke her up. "Breakfast is almost ready." I said shaking her. "I'm not hungry." She whined before pulling the cover over her head. "Bullshit." I laughed your just being lazy now wake up!! "Would you leave me alone? It's like 7 o'clock in the morning and I'm on vacation let me sleep." Actually it's 9:45. I said correcting her after checking the time on her phone. "Plus you have hella missed calls and text from babe and we both know you've been waiting to hear zadddy's voice." your so annoying she said before getting up and running to the bathroom. "Well at least your up." I said sitting on the edge of her bed proud.

After Kaprial brushed her teeth and freshened up she facetimed Mell like I new she would and then we headed downstairs for breakfast. Ruby and melody were already sitting at the table when we got to the kitchen. Breakfast still hadn't been laid out yet so I volunteered to help. "Can I help with anything?" I asked taking cups and plates down from the cabinet and rinsing them off. I wasn't use to having someone cater to me, I was use to being the one who prepared meals for the girls and i when they came over and honestly I enjoyed it.
"Well all of the food is done, I just need to set up the buffet line and I wouldn't want you to burn your hands so i can take care of it but thanks for asking." I nodded my head and grabbed a seat at the table. Tristan couldn't stay for breakfast this morning because he had to drive Cole back to Jacksonville before he was due to be back here for work tonight but we did make sure they took a plate to go.

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