Princess Lucy and the Cookie Monster (part 2)

Start from the beginning

The girl took and pressed it against her ear. "Hi? Mommy! I miss you. Lawie, my fwiend. Yes I good. Daddy and Papi at wowk. Mommy, Aunties nice. Yes I eat. Lawie pwotect me. I love you. Bye Mommy."

Lucy gave Ally the phone.


"Allyson?" she heard the other woman ask.

"Call me Ally. Your daughter is doing great. She's a sweet girl."

"She's not my daughter anymore."

"You love her. You'd deal anything for her, even give her up. She'll always be your daughter."

Ally heard a small sob. "Thank you. I love her so much. I miss her."

"And I know she misses you. Maybe we can meet one day."

Keana laughed. "I'd love to meet Lauren. She sounds like a sweet girl."

Ally smiled. They said their goodbyes and hung up. She turned to see Lauren and Lucy feed each other.

She shook her head. She loved those girls.


Normani gave Lauren and Lucy their ice cream cones. The girls started to eat their cones. She shook her head, watching her messy eater devour her ice cream. Lucy watched Lauren with a grin.

"Why couldn't we get a princess?" Dinah asked, laughing.

Lauren looked up with a frown. "I no p'incess. I 'avio'."

"Lauwie, my pwotecto'," Lucy told everyone, glaring at them.

Lauren stuck out her tongue and went back to licking her ice cream.

Normani laughed. She looked over at the sundae she was sharing with Ally. She smiled as she started to eat some.

Normani looked around the ice cream parlor. She noticed a group of three women watching them. Normani felt a small fire in her grow, when she noticed that they weren't looking at them negatively. The two older ones had a small smile on their face, while the younger one was grinning.

"Did you see those women?" Normani whispered, turning back to the women around her table.

"Which ones?" Camila asked, looking around.

"The two brunettes and the blond," Normani asked, staring at Camila. That girl was the opposite of subtle.

"Yes," Ally answered, smiling. "Do you think they are like us?"

"Maybe," Dinah added.

Normani turned to see the blonde wipe the young brunette's mouth. "I think so too."


Lauren laughed, as she ran around the sand. Lucy was with Camila and Ally making a sand castle. The small family decided to make a trip to the beach.

Lauren seemed to like having the sand under her feet. Lucy wanted to make a castle for her kingdom, and the pair of cousins decided to help her. Dinah and Normani were given the job to keep an eye on their daughter. The two were told they were too impatient to make a castle. Neither of them denied that.

Dinah sat back and laughed as Lauren fell for the fifth time. Lauren stood up, dusted the sand off herself, and continued to run in a circle. "Ma! 'ash me!"

Normani pushed Dinah. "Go chase her."

Dinah narrowed her eyes. "You said we were in this together."

Normani shrugged. "I lied."

Dinah shook her head, took off her sandals and chased Lauren who giggled like a madwoman.

Dinah grabbed the girl and pulled her. "Caught you!" She started to tickle the girl, who squealed.

"'o! Ma!" Lauren kicked her legs, laughing. Dinah peppered the girl's cheek with kisses.


Camila patted the tower, before taking a step back. "We did it."

"Yes, t'ank you Auntie Mila, Ally."

Ally pulled the girl into her arms. She pressed her lips against Lucy's head. "You did great."

Camila hugged her niece. Lauren, who had been running around and tripped and fell on the castle, destroying it.

"Fuck!" Camila exclaimed, seeing all their hard work destroyed.

Lucy ran to Lauren. "You 'kay Lauwie?"

"I o'ay," Lauren answered, standing up and dusting the sand off her clothes. She took off running.

Lucy turned to Ally. "What is fuck?'

Ally turned to glare at Camila. "You have no filter."



Part three will come out midnight or one am, Cali time (I live in Los Angeles).

Fun Fact: This is the first story I ever wrote that has no full detailed outline. I do have 14 more parts to write. If you guys have suggestions/ideas, throw them at me. I love to hear things!

P.S. I now know when and how Alessia Cara, Tori Kelly and Hailee Steinfeld will appear in this book. Although one of them appeared in this part. *wink wink*

P.P.S There are a few people who will NOT appear in this book. Taylor Swift and Melanie Martinez are two. Taylor, I don't want to write her. And Melanie, I literally do not know who she is. I know she sings and something about crybaby, but that's it. She won't be in this book. Sorry, but no convincing.

Other people are a maybe.

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