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I couldn't breathe. There were intense knots in my stomach that I couldn't get rid of. I replayed every scenario possible in which I would fuck everything up in my head. I didn't know what to think or how I should act. I was happy, but this was the most terrifying event of my life.

Air returned to my lungs as a familiar hand touched my elbow.

"Are you almost ready?" Armin said, his blonde hair had grown out and was put into a ponytail and his eyes now required the assistance of glasses. It was only a couple years since I moved away from Eugene, but I guessed that it was all of the reading he did in inappropriate lighting that caused his sudden blindness.

"Absolutely not." I was shaking, and he knew it.

"Listen, everything is going to be fine. And if you trip I'll fall with you so you don't feel singled out." His blue eyes closed into his smile, harming my heart and snuffing my butterflies. "So you just need to focus on looking great and remembering what you're going to say."

"We're going out as soon as the band starts." Mika said stepped up and informed us. She reached out and fixed Armin's bow tie and took her bouquet from Hanji. The two looked beautiful in the matte violet dresses I chose, I knew they would. Mike and Erwin stepped over to us.

"You shitting yourself?" Erwin said, I was sad that he got rid of his undercut, but he still looked dashing.

"Abso-fucking-lutely. It doesn't help that I'm wearing white pants."

Erwin laughed, "I believe it. Just know, everything will be okay. And we all have orders from Armin that if you trip, we will all go down with you."

A smile stretched my face, and it infected everyone around me, even Mike. A familiar note played and dread washed over me again. As I linked my arm into Armin's elbow, I watched as Hanji did the same to Mike in front of us, and Mikasa did to Erwin in front of them. I heard the large wooden doors creak open and the music became louder. I saw Mikasa and Erwin turn the corner to leave the building and the floor crumbled beneath me.

I felt like I was going to vomit or
pass out or both. My knees could barely keep me upright as Hanji and Mike followed outside. Armin heard my heavy breathing and looked at me. When I made eye contact he gave me a reassuring smile and said, "you can do this." I nodded and with linked elbows, we walked out of the heavy double doors.

I saw white chairs lined up, divided by a rug that served as a walkway. I saw familiar faces like Sasha and Connie, and faces I couldn't even guess the names to, they must be people that Levi knew. I made eye contact with people I assumed were Kenny and his family since I remembered where I put them on the reserved seating. I also saw an empty chair. A single folded paper sat on it and even though I was too far away to read it, I knew who it was that didn't show.

Reserved for: Grisha Jaegar

I was able to swallow thick saliva and stiffen my lip. I faced forward and saw the arch. Saw four of my closest friends smiling at me and wiping away tears. I saw Nile, the owner of the pizzeria next door to us that had become a father figure to Levi and I since we moved in who happened to be certified to officiate this ceremony. And I saw Levi.

He stood there in his black suit. He looked at me with so much love in his eyes he didn't need to smile to show me. I could tell how nervous he was by how he was holding his hands behind his back. And suddenly, I was calm.

Every fear I had vanished. Even when Armin gave me away in place of my father and took his seat by Marco and Jean, I did not care. I stood at that arch and let everyone watch my every move and let everyone hear me declare my love for Levi, because I didn't care. I was happy. I was so happy to hear Levi say those two beautiful words that sounded like angels in my ears. And I was so happy to reciprocate them.

"I do"

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