A Presentation

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"Eren," I heard my name being called out of the sea of delinquents named a school hallway. I turned around and saw that the owner of the voice was Mikasa and next to her was Armin.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I asked.

Mikasa started in her usual nonchalant voice, "How are you holding up? Are you okay over at Levi's place? Do you need a toothbrush? Do you need a therapist? Are-"

"What she's trying to say is," Armin interrupted her rant, "how are you? Really?"

It had been two weeks since my dad kicked me out and I started living with Levi. Somehow, I didn't feel awkward about staying there, it already felt like home. Of course, I still often felt like bursting into tears whenever I think of my dad, but I think I'm coping. "I'm...alright. I like living with Levi, I'm getting over my dad, I'm...gonna be okay."

"Good." Mikasa said and she pulled my head to her chest so she could hug it tightly. She always did that, even after I grew taller than her, even after she grew boobs.

Armin joined in on the hug, "Do you have any family that you'd like to call?"

I thought about it for a moment, "No, right now, Levi is the only family I need." and together we walked down to lunch.


"Eren and Levi, you're up." Mr. Pixis said after Mia and Thomas finished presenting their clay sculpture of a butterfly. Levi and I made eye contact with each other and walked to the front of the class, Levi carrying the covered canvas that was our project.

Levi set up the canvas on the easel and slowly took off the sheet, unveiling the beauty Levi created and slapped my name onto. No matter how many times I've seen that painting, I will always be awestruck by it.

It was a painting of two wings overlapping, one white and the other black. The background was a gradient of green to emerald with splashes of sapphire blue. The wings looked like splatters in the shape of wings, but when you looked closely, you could see all of the individual brush strokes making up the wings.

"Our thought on beauty," I said and continued as rehearsed, "was freedom. Freedom, hope, and strength. We couldn't think of a better way to express those besides wings."

I kept talking all of those cheesy lines that took forever to take up the required time limit. Once Mr. Pixis gave us the okay to sit back down, we hurried back to our chairs as fast as we could. Back at my seat, I glanced over at Levi and smiled. He nodded at me, one corner of his mouth turning up slightly.

Huffing loudly, I flopped onto the sleek black couch.

"Don't jump on my couch." Levi said throwing his wallet and keys onto a dish on the kitchen counter. I mocked his words and proceeded to flip through movies sprawled out on the sofa.

"You're such a little shit."

"I know, but I'm your little shit."

Levi crawled on top of me and laid his head on my chest. I played with his silky hair. "For how long will you be my shit?"

Placing a kiss on his head, I whispered, "Forever."

"Your so fucking cheesy I could dip a nacho in you."

"At least then  you'd stick something inside m-" I was broke off by my own giggles, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm kidding."

It was kind of a running joke I would say. It was just ironic to me that the extremely sexy, knowledgeable, and crude Levi still hadn't tried anything with me.

Levi turned his head to face me. "You're such a shit." With that, he placed his lips on my own. My fingers tightened in his hair as he ran his fingers up and down my sides. I felt his tongue flick my bottom lip and I gladly let it in. I reached for the hem of his shirt and started to pull it off. Levi moved his face to my neck, his thumbs circling my hips

I was surprised and upset when Levi broke the kiss and crawled off of me.

"Oh my god. What is it now?" I said before I could think. "Are the stars not aligned!?" I got off the couch and grabbed his shoulder. No matter how much I pulled, he wouldn't turn to face me. "Is the moon in the wrong position?" I knew I was being a total ass, I knew I was just being selfish, bit whenever he did thugs like this, it would feel like a personal shot at me.

I heard Levi mumble something. "What?"

"I-" he turned to face me and cupped my face in his cold hands. "I'm scared."

My eyes widened and all of my anger faded away. "What are you afraid of?"

Levi brought his forehead to touch mine. "That I won't be good enough. That you will be disappointed. That you might realize you could do way better than me."

I pried his hands from my face and walked backwards until my back was against the wall. I pulled Levi along with me and pulled his hands above my head, in turn, pulling his face closer to mine and having our noses touch.

I kissed him. It wasn't half a second before Levi was kissing back. His hands adjusted so that he could pin both of mine in only one of his.

Levis voice calling my name was the only thing I had in my head.

A/N: warning, Smutt next chapter. Like, hardcore.

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