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The final bell rang, and everyone whooped and hollered. I swiveled around in my chair to high five a Connie sitting behind me.

It was finally summer vacation

I was going to spend all day everyday with Levi.

I couldn't help but internally squealing at the thought of always being with Levi. With his insane cleaning habits that'll wake me up hours before I want to. His smell rubbing off on me, which I recently found out it wasn't chocolate and coffee but his favorite Indian black tea. Watching his face change in the slightest as he reads depending on what part of his book he was on. Even watching him hesitantly pet the stray cat that has started to come visit every once in a while because Levi fed it once.

My legs couldn't move fast enough as I hurried out of the class. I looked to my right to see Levi leaning against the wall like he always does after school. I ran to him, grateful that I didn't have a back pack or books to hinder my movement, and he scooped me up.

Hand in hand we walked out into the parking lot where all of our friends were hanging around Levi's car. Hanji ran over hugging the two of us, followed by Sasha, Connie, Armin, and Mikasa all in a group hug, I heard Levi grunt and try to wiggle away, but Hanji had a death grip on him.

"Is every thing ready for next week?" Erwin said, walking over to the hug.

"Next week?" I asked looking at Levi for an explanation.

"We are going on a road trip to Santa Monica!" Sasha and Connie screamed in unison.

"Santa Monica? In California?" I looked around at everyone around me.

Mikasa said, "surprise" as I was looking for some sort of reasoning.

"Driving 900 miles isn't just a 'surprise'!"

"Well,"Hanji said pulling away to look me in the eye, "technically it's only 859.3 miles."


Hanji shrugged, "it'll take about 13 hours. We're taking three cars, so everyone can come, even Marco and Jean." I looked around and realized the two weren't here. "Levi already offered to pay for the gas, so...what do you say?"

I was still struck with disbelief, "13 hours."

"You'll be spending those hours with Levi~. A-lo-ne~!"

"I'm game."


Once we were in the car, Levi began to drive home. The drive was silent but Levi's thumb ran along my kneecap the entire time.

The car slowed to a stop and I began to unbuckle, but Levi didn't follow. "What's up?"

"I have something to do," Levi said. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips. "I'll be back later tonight, you don't have to wait up for me."

"Oh-kay?" I said, slowly getting out. "What're you doing?"

"It's nothing, love you."

With that he was gone, leaving me in the dust.

Still questioning Levi's actions, I groggily walked up stairs and inside. To kill time, I turned on some music and called Armin. Mikasa of course was with him.

A Stroke of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now