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Im not feeling well, I'm staying home. Sorry.

The text cane from Levi a few minutes after my alarm went off. I felt disappointed, upset that Levi wasn't going to be at school today. I sighed as I got ready for a boring day.

It started with a note in my locker.

"Go die, you fag"

The note said that along with other crude drawings and words. I crumpled up the paper and tossed it into a trash can. I was so caught up in how lovingly Levi was treating me, I forgot to be wary of discriminating eyes watching, judging.

The judgment spiraled into a whirlpool.

Balls of paper with more crude terms and pictures thrown at my head.

Expo markers drawing things on the outside of my locker.

I just kept waiting for lunch to come, and it finally did. I got in line as usual and started walking towards my usual table. On my way over, I felt something tug on my ankle, tripping me over, spilling my lunch. I looked back to see Reiner Braun sitting at a table I just tried to pass, his ankle far into the walkway. I knew who he was, everyone did, because he was one of the star players on the football team.

He was broad and muscular with short blonde hair. His best friend, Bertolt, was tall and thin and sitting right next to him. He was on the wrestling team so he had to be a lot stronger than he looked. Bertolt used a hand to cover a laugh.

"Watch out, Jaegar." Reiner sneered, "Can you not even walk straight?"

I got up and walked away from his and Bertolt's laughter to go to my table.

The mat wasn't even that good of an insult.

I thought the taunting would die down, but it didn't. I didn't care too much though, I'm tough, it would take a lot to make me upset. It kinda just got annoying.

Yes I understand that I'm gay.

Yes I understand you don't like gays.

Yes I know you think my lifestyle is disgusting.

Shut up about it already.

Also, I wasn't even angry at the people "bullying" me. I mostly just felt bad for them, they had so little of a life that they had to spend time out of they're day to try to make me feel bad. It's kinda sad.

But I never thought they would take it as far as they did.

I walk home on the days I don't go to Levi's. I felt like visiting him but I feel like he wouldn't want me to come and risk getting sick. Besides, it's a Tuesday, I wouldn't be going to his place anyways, but I couldn't help it. I had to see him. I started walking the familiar way to Levi's apartment. Not too long after I left the school grounds, I heard foot steps behind me. A lot of them.

"Hey, Jaegar." I heard Reiner say behind me. I kept walking, not wanting to get into any trouble.

I could hear the footsteps quickening and I felt a hand jerk me around to put me face to face with Reiner. Bertolt and two others I didn't recognize stood behind him.

"I said, 'hey, Jaegar'" he repeated and used his hand in my shoulder to shove me.

"What do you want, Reiner?" I said flatly.

"I want you to stop infecting my eyes with your faggot shit." I blinked slowly

"You know it is really sad that you don't have anything better to do with your life than be an ass. Besides we all know that the only reason you don't like homosexuals is because you can't come to terms with your strange urge to suck Bertolt's dic-" I was cut of with a fist to the face. The surprising blow knocked me down but I scrambled back to my feet.

A Stroke of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now