"Concerned" Friends

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There was an undisclosed warmth along my face. Although unknown, the feeling felt eerily familiar. Curious, I pried my eyes open to see beautiful grey ones staring back at me.

"Sorry," Levi whispered, "I didn't mean to wake you."

The warmth was one of Levi's hands caressing my cheek. I smiled at him, and absentmindedly, my finger began to twirl around a lock of his black hair.

Mornings have always been the same. Levi had always been awake and ready to take on the day hours before I even woke up, even on days when I kept him awake into late hours of the night with old movies or a new, addictive game I got on my phone. However, very rarely did Levi ever stay in bed. There was the first night I stayed over, and then...nope. That was the only occasion.

Levi always woke me with a warm breakfast and a peck on the forehead, but I've never really seen him asleep.

My distractive train of thought was interrupted by Levi rolling over to lay himself on top of me.

"Eren, did you know that you are so fucking beautiful?"

I snorted, "What?"

"You know, last night, you were so freaking amazing, but you were also...beautiful."

I covered my face with my hands at recollection of last nights events. "...shut up."

"And even today, I don't know why, but you seem to be glowing with perfection."

"Stop saying cheesy stuff!" I wriggled underneath him and was able to land face down into the pillow.

Levi began placing light kisses on the back of my neck and down my spine. His hand dragged from my knees up my thigh. "Eren," he said as he placed his hand-


We both froze, but after a second of silence, Levi's hand proceeded to-

Ding-dong, ding-dong

With a heavy sigh, Levi rolled off of me and pulled on the closest pair of jeans he could see, which happened to be mine.

I decided to follow his lead and found articles of clothing scattered around the floor as he tended to whoever was ringing our bell. I smirked to myself.

Our bell.

There was a loud crash coming from the main room that sounded as if the door was ripped off its hinges, followed by an immense shriek.


I left the bedroom and found that Hanji was not alone. The energetic brunette was accompanied by Mike, Erwin, Armin, and Mikasa. Yet another ear splitting cry came from Hanji as she saw me.

"EREN!" Hanji ran towards me and scooped me up into a tight embrace. "How have you been! Oh my goodness, I haven't seen you in forever!"

"You saw him yesterday..." I heard Levi mumble. I shot him a look over Hanji's shoulder which was only requited by Levi sticking his tongue out at me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I was able to make out around my collapsing ribcage.

"Hanji wanted to say hi," Erwin said, prying the girl off of me, "and Mikasa said she wanted to make sure Levi was taking good care of you. We all got dragged along somehow."

Mikasa immediately began walking towards the kitchen. Throwing open the fridge and every cabinet, the only food revealed was a carton of eggs, milk, a few 12 packs of sodas, ice creams, a bag of celery, and a giant assortment of black tea leaves imported from India and milk tea from Japan.


Mikasa seemed to turn her head all the way around to glare at me. Her eyes went to Levi and her legs began moving. Once close to Levi, Mikasa reached a hand out to grasp at his throat.

If Mike hadn't moved faster and scooped her up into his tree trunks of arms. She wriggled to get free for only a moment before acknowledging it was futile.

"Mikasa!" I yelled at her sudden outburst, "What's with you?"

"Food." She said flatly. "There is no food here. You are going to become unhealthy."

"I have food," Levi said around a childish pout, "it's just not good you like."

"Although Mikasa's ways are a bit primitive," Armin spoke up, snaking his way around the blond gargantuans standing in the doorway, "she has a point. You need a bit of actual food, nutritious food. You can't live off of eggs and tea."

"Levi cooks a proper breakfast for me everyday." I said, hoping to stand up for Levi.

"Which consists of...?" Armin raised an eyebrow.

"...eggs and tea..."

"I'm sorry that that's the only thing I know how to make." Levi crossed his arms, "Now, if you asshats only came to criticize, you're gonna have to leave."

I tried to hold in a bit of laughter, "the only thing you know how to make, is eggs and tea?"

Oh, so the oh-so-perfect Levi Ackerman also has a flaw

My giggles only bought me a glare from my shorter boyfriend. "Never mind food," Hanji said, breaking a bit of the tension, "we need to know something else."

"Hanji..." Erwin said threateningly.

"Hehehe, so Eren, got any news~?"

"Yea Eren," Mikasa said from behind Mike's arms

"Um, well- er, that's a funny story..." I scratched the back of my neck, suddenly feeling the weight of all the eyes.

Do I tell them? Am I allowed to tell them? Does Levi want them to know? Do I want them to know? Oh god, what if they ask questions? I'll sneak a peek at Levi for help. And, of course he is no help at all. He's probably thinking about bleach or some shit. Not even looking at me. Well, can I tell them? What would I say? 'I fucked the Ackerman'? 'We made love last night'? 'I rode a dick for the first time'? No, of course I wouldn't say that, that's too much information. Well, what isn't too much info? Half of the people here don't want to know any the ones who do are gonna be creepy about it. What do I say???

"We fucked, happy?"

My eyes widened as I looked at Levi, his face empty of any emotion other than annoyance. I heard Erwin yell something about his ears bleeding. Mike dropped Mikasa only to cover his own ears and whispering something about smelling that this happened. Armin froze, as did Mikasa, I'm not sure what she wanted to hear. But the person who reacted most, of course, was Hanji.



Tears, even.

I'm pretty sure she was just doing a pterodactyl impression.

"Out. Out. Every body, out." Finally, Levi began to herd the unwanted guests out of the door. All left gladly except for Hanji which had to be dragged out by Mike.

Our house was once again silent. Hehehe...

Our house.

Levi turned to me and let out a sigh. "I'm glad they're gone." He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a kiss. I smiled against his lips.

"All you know how to make is eggs and tea?"

"Shut up, brat."

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