An Apartment

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I speed-walked, if not ran, home the second the school bell rang. Once I got there, I threw my bag on the floor and looked up directions to Levi's house. After a click of a few buttons, the directions were printed and in my pocket and I was out of the door.

I probably shouldn't be this excited. It was only to work on our project. But I just couldn't help the slight spring in my step.

The way to Levi's place took a bout a half hour, but it looked nice. It was an apartment building instead of a traditional house but it appeared expensive.

I walked up to the front door to find it locked with call buttons and names along the side.


I found the button labeled "Levi" and noticed that there wasn't a last name. I didn't have too long to dwell on it because there was a beep signaling the speaker was turned on.

"Hello?" A voice said on the other side.

"Um... Levi? It's me, Eren?" My nervous reply was met with a click of the lock.

"Room number 221. Hurry up, I'm waiting."

Inside of the building was as fancy as it looked on the outside. I remember thinking this was an office building whenever I passed it by. The floors and walls were all white and beautiful paintings were placed along the walls. Every once in a while there were chairs or tables or potted plants in the halls. I scanned every black door I passed for room 221.

After a long time of searching, I found it on the top floor, the 5th floor. And noticed that there were only two rooms on this floor, showing that they were giant compared to the others.

Slowly, I raised my hand and knocked on the door. I only got one knock in before the door opened and an impatient Levi stood to greet him.

"What took you so long?" He said, leaning against the door.

"I-it's a big building?" I said sheepishly.

Levi stepped back a bit and signaled for me to come in. Levi's apartment was immaculate. The soft white carpet covered the open floor plan and was stopped by black hardwood floors in the dining room and kitchen. The main wall in the large room was completely made of glass and a flat screen TV dominated the other wall in the area used as a living room. Two black couches were placed in front of the TV.

The kitchen had black granite countertops and black cupboards. The appliances bright silver. In the dining room, a large glass table homed six white chairs. A beautiful chandelier hung from the high ceiling over the table.

I couldn't stop my jaw from hanging open.

Levi shut the door and walked passed me. As he did so, he gracefully placed a hand on my chin and closed my mouth. "Don't be unsightly." Was all he said as he sat down on his couch. I followed and sat on the couch opposite him, fearful that I shouldn't touch anything.

"Levi, this place is beautiful."

"I know," he said proudly, "now the project is about beauty and shit, and you are terrible at art, am I right?" I nodded, "I feel like the best course of action would be for you to tell me what you think is beautiful, I'll paint, you keep my company."

The plan sounded great to me, I didn't have to do anything. "Sounds great, as long as you're okay with doing all of the work."

"I chose you as a partner because I knew you would let me do all of it. I don't like working with groups, others just get in the way. But I would like you to come over a lot to keep me company."

"Yeah, sure," I said, not sure why he wanted me to talk to him. "I could come over Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. Would that work?"

"Perfect. Since you'll be here often, I'll let you have free reign. You wanna eat, go grab food. You gotta piss, go. You don't need a babysitter. Just one thing," he explained, "make a mess and I'll clean it up with your face. Understand?"

Levi's face went to a full on death glare and I nodded more than I needed to out of fear.

"Alright," Levi went back to his usual face, "now, Eren, what do you think is beautiful?"

I sat there thinking. I remembered my time as a child that was spent laying in the grass admiring the birds. It wasn't the birds that intrigued me though, it was their freedom.

I thought more of the times of hardship I've endured in the past and the hope I felt. Not the anger or despair, the hope that things would get better.

Finally, I thought of humans. How I always loved the fact that we were able to adapt so effortlessly compared to other species. And the strength that only humans had.

"I would say... Freedom... Hope... Strength..." I said looking at the ground, afraid my heartfelt answer would be met with mockery.

"I have the perfect idea." Levi said as he got up off the couch and disappeared into a room I could only think was his bedroom. He emerged from it with an easel and a large canvas. Back into the room he went, and from it he brought a stool and a small table like structure. He grabbed a pencil from a drawer in the table and started sketching on the canvas.

I watched him as his hands moved along the canvas. His face full of a focus that could only be obtained through doing something you were very passionate about. A small fire was raging behind those cool eyes, and that was beautiful. It might have been in my imagination, but I could've sworn I saw the slightest of a smile creep up on his lips. 

Once he was done, Levi beckoned me over, waking me from my trance. I walked over to behold his work.


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