Pacific Park

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I lay with my head on Levi's chest, one of my fingers tracing the shape of his abdomen. Levi had an arm around my shoulders, propping up my head and drawing circles on my arm with his fingertips. We stared at the ceiling in a peaceful silence, grateful for the time alone we were able to spend. I turned my head to look up at Levi, taking in his masterpiece of a face. No matter how many times I looked at him, he will always be as stunning as the first time I saw him.

"What is it?" Levi said and I realized I was staring.

"Nothing really. I just love your face."

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed, mister 'I want to see'." Levi said, making fun of what I said merely ten minutes ago. "I wish I'd known how orgasmic my face was beforehand, I would have utilized it."

I felt my face burn with embarrassment, but I wasn't going to let Levi know that. "Oh, yeah," I said trying to tease, "it isn't just your face. But your entire body." I slid my hand lightly down his chest and stopped at the thigh.

"Careful," Levi said, "if I can't stop myself from going for round two, it will be your fault."

"Oh? Well, I'd be happy to take responsibility." I placed a kiss on his lips. From the beginning, the kiss was hot and heavy. Without breaking the kiss, I got on top of Levi and straddled his hips. Levi's hands moved from my ribs to my ass and cupped both cheeks. His tongue entered my mouth and we continued kissing passionately.

That is, until the door swung open.

"Hey, the others are coming ba- oh god."

I jerked my head to the door and saw a wide eyed Marco who looked like he was questioning the answers to the universe.

"I'm so sorry!" He slammed the door closed but we could still here his cries from the hallway. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm soooo sorry!! I swear I didn't see anything I won't tell anyone not that it is bad but it might not be something you want public so I will just keep my mouth shut and again I am sorry I hope I didn't ruin anything I know you told us not to come back until 11:30 but I though that 11:25 would be close enough and I was wrong this is all my fault I'm sorry!!"

My head turned to the alarm clock on the nightstand. It read 11:27.

I groaned and rolled off of Levi. We both grabbed pants off the ground and walked over to the door to console Marco. When we swung the door open, we saw him sitting on the floor leaning on the wall opposite ours.

"Oi," Levi said, "what's going on, why'd you come get us?"

"W-well," Marco used the wall to help himself off the ground, "everyone is done eating and they are downstairs. We wanted someone to come up here and get you guys but it was early and no one really wanted to because they're scared of Levi beating them up."

"Ah," I said, "they sent you because you would have the least chance of getting beat up."

"That, and I drew the short straw."

I snorted, "Sorry you had to see that, Marco."

"Oh no, I'm sorry!" Marco threw is hands up and shook them, "I didn't see anything but shoulders and you two kissing! It just, y'know, even an idiot would know what was going on."

I sighed, grateful for the blanket that I didn't even realize was there. "Alright, well, you go downstairs and tell the others we'll be down in a sec, Levi and I will get dressed."

Marco nodded and scurried down the hallway. I turned to Levi, a small smirk in his lips. "What?"

Levi only pointed at my chest and I looked down to see what he was pointing at.

A Stroke of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now