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I was awoken from a dreamless sleep by a tapping on my window. Looking at my alarm, it read 10:57. I was going to question my sanity at sleeping so early, but I heard more tapping. I squinted to try to see out the window, but quickly rethought my strategy when I realized the curtain was shut.

Groaning, I slid out of bed and walked toward the window. A pair of piercing grey eyes scared the shit out of me.

Nearly screaming, I opened the window and let Levi crawl inside. "Levi? How'd you get up here? I'm on the second floor?"

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

I looked at him with lidded eyes, "why are you here?"

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Tell me."

He held his arms up in a defense manor. There was something up with him. He was too.. Sassy. Too...excited for something.

"I have a surprise." He said, a hungry look in his eyes. A slight smirk formed on his lip, and he swung one of his legs back out the window.

"Levi!" I grabbed his arm and he look at me with a false innocence in his eyes. "No."

After explaining to him I have a front door, he agreed to simply sneak out with me, especially because I'd rather not break both my legs jumping from a window, but not before he dressed me up in a black button up and skinny jeans, matching his own black T-shirt bracelets halfway up his forearms. As quietly as we could, we tip-toed out of my house. The first thing I noticed was that Levi's car wasn't there.

"So..." I said hoping for an explanation.

"Well," he started, "there is no way for me to think what happened to your face wasn't my fault, so I conducted a plan of apology." Levi stepped closer to me and wrapped my hand up into the inside of his elbow. "Come."

Like that, we walked. No matter how many times I asked him, he never told me where we were going. Finally we came across a path into the forest near my house. I knew the path was there, I grew up in that forest, but I didn't think Levi would be leading me there of all places.

"Hurry, they're waiting."

The forest was dark and significantly colder than the streets of my neighborhood. I found my self wrapping tighter around Levi's arm for warmth.

"Are you scared?"

I rolled my eyes, "As if, besides, I'm taller than you."

"WHATS THAT?" He screamed making me jump.

"God damn it, Levi."

"Told you, you're scared. You jumped five feet in the air."

"Which coincidentally is your exact height." I smirked and looked at him. Levi wanted to be mad, but just couldn't.

We continued walking and I saw a light flickering between the trees. As we drew nearer, it was pretty obvious that the source of the light was a campfire, four bodies lay about it with various snacks surrounding them. Once Levi and I stepped into the clearing, I could identify them as Hanji, Mike, Erwin, and Petra.

"Finally!" Erwin said, sipping from a can. "We were beginning to wonder if you died along the way. Eren, didn't know you were coming, welcome!"

"Don't make it sound so formal," Petra stated, "we're just getting drunk in a forest."

"Getting drunk and having an adventure in a forest!" Hanji yelled, clinking cans with Erwin.

"Hey Eyebrows, toss me one." Levi said, catching a flying can and sitting down.

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