The Pacific

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My head slamming against the car window awoke me. "Aaaaah!" I hissed and scratched at the newly forming bump on my skull.

"Are you okay?" Levi said around a small giggle.

"Yeah..." Once the pain subsided, I looked over at Levi. "How much more driving?"

"Hmm... About two hours."

"Two hours?!" A third voice made me jump before I realized it belonged to Hanji who was on the other side of Levi's phone.

"That's what he said." Petra chimed in, "compared to how long we've already driven, it's nothing."

"That's our Petra!" Hanji said, "Always lookin' on the bright side! If we were in the same car, I'd kiss you!"

"Aaaand, goodbye." Levi leaned forward and pressed 'End Call'. "I can't believe I've been with these people for so long."

"Well," I tilted my head at him, "if you really didn't want to spend time with them, you could've said no."

"No I couldn't, I planned this."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "You planned this road trip?"

"Well," he looked at me from the corner of his eye, "I mentioned to everyone that I wanted to take you on a trip, and Hanji of course invited herself, then proceeded to invite everyone else."

"Awe, you wanted to take me on a trip?"


"Because you loooove me?"


"Really, really loooove me?"

Levi reached over and flicked my forehead. "Yes, now be quiet."

"Awe, how can I just sit quietly after hearing you declare your loving affection to me?" I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. His hand found my thigh, giving it a sweet squeeze. An urge came over me and I began to suck at a piece of Levi's neck.

"Eren." Levi's hand squeezed harder, "if you do this I'm going to have to pull over immediately."


"I'd take your invitation in a heartbeat if we didn't have eight people that'd be waiting for us and at least three of them would try to watch."

I laughed and sat back down.

"Don't worry though," Levi said, a smirk creeping into the corners of his mouth, "we still have three more days before we start driving back."

"Okay," Levi said into the phone with all of our friends, "we are coming up to the hotel, it's very fancy behave yourselves-" Levi was interrupted by the gawking of Connie, Sasha, and Hanji. "That means you three especially."

They quieted down.

"Now, first things first, don't be embarrassing. You have questions, ask me, you have to piss, ask me where to, you feel like sneezing, ask me if you can. Do you understand? I booked these reservations before you guys invited yourselves."

The group behind the phone mumbled in agreement. "Good. Second, once we get inside and they show us to our rooms, you've got ten minutes to change into your beach clothes because, surprisingly, we are going to the beach. I've got an entire to do list and if you do not fit yourself into the time frame, I'm leaving you. Understand?"

Again, a chorus of mumbled agreement.

"Alright, we're almost here." Levi turned the car onto a road called Pico Boulevard. Jean and Marco began giggling.

A Stroke of LoveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum