Drive I

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"Tooth brush."






"Bathing suits."


"Kinky sex toys."


"Check." Levi walked over and threw a black bag into the open suitcase. I scurried over and tore the bag open. Sunscreen and towels.

I made an attempt at flicking Levi on the forehead but he caught my hand and lightly pinned it behind my back.

"Okay, okay," I laughed, "I give up."

"Oh really," Levi brushed his lips lightly against mine, "cause it sounded like you wanted for that bag to have something else in it."

I giggled and sat down on the bed, scooting the suitcase to the side.

Levi crawled on top of me and kissed me heavily. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands found themselves in Levi's undercut. Levi's hands traveled down my sides and massaged my hipbones.

Ding dong

"God fucking damn it..." Levi whispered in my ear.




Levi rolled off of me and got the door, Hanji of course was there followed by Mike and Erwin. "Time to go, lovebirds!" She shrieked.

Levi and I knew she was on her way and decided to double check our suitcase. But, we also wanted a bit more time...

Ah well, we'll have 13 hours to ourselves.

Mike walked past all of us, grabbed the suitcase out of the room, and disappeared down the hallway. Erwin laughed, "Mike is really excited, he wants to get to Santa Monica as fast as we can, sooo... Get in the car."

I looked at Levi for reassurance and he grabbed my hand. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"Me neither," and the two of us set off downstairs, attempting to ignore Hanji's squealing. Once downstairs, we saw a large truck and a mini van in the parking lot. Jean, Marco, Sasha, Connie, Armin, and Mikasa all in the van, driven by Petra. And the rest in the truck.

"Alright," Armin said, hopping out of the vans passenger seat, "we are going to be on a group call the entire time so we can all talk together."

"Sounds good," I clapped my hands, "wasn't the plan to stop at a gas station for snacks before leaving?"

"Yup!" Hanji skipped around us and hopped into the truck, "lead the way, little man."

I had to drag Levi into the car to keep him from strangling the giggling brunette. In the car, I placed a hand on Levi's thigh. "I love you."

"I love you too." Levi placed a small kiss on my lips and started the car.


"I'm tired." Sasha whined.

"I gotta pee." Connie added.

"How many hours has it been?" Hanji cried.

"It's been two hours and 15 minutes." Erwin answered.

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