Chapter 13: Walking Away From Him

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Olivia's POV

After I stood up from the floor, near the door, I packed up Finn's stuff. I didn't know what to do really, but I knew that getting away from here was the perfect thing to do. I opened the door slowly, and saw that Elliot had left. He must have given up on me. I walked back inside and gathered up everything that I had.

I picked up Finn, who is now one, and I placed him on my hip.

"Sorry about this, love." I breathed, before moving out of the room.


Three Years Later

"Finn, come here love!" I called, as I slowly picked up my son's toys from the floor.

"What is it, Mommy?" He asked.

"I just got a call from Aunt Alex." I smiled, and he's eyes lit up.

"Really?" He asked quickly and I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. She invited us to come stay with her in Manhattan for a week. Would you like that?" I asked, and he nodded quickly.

I smiled and ruffled his hair before I heard crying come from the nursery.

"Go play. I'm going to check on Noah." I smiled, and he ran off, while I walked towards the nursery.

"Hey baby." I breathed, as I saw Noah standing in his crib. He was gripping the crib and crying out angrily. I picked up my son and kissed his hair, and once he got what he wanted, which was being out of his damn crib. I kissed his forehead and tickled him.

"Mommy, when do we leave?" Finn asked, as he ran into the room.

"Tonight." I spoke, and he nodded.

"Do we have to bring Noah?" He asked, pointing to his younger brother.

"Yes! I know he has been fussy lately, but he isn't that old." I chuckled, and Finn sighed.

"If you say so, Mommy."


After packing up the boys, I started to drive from Boston to Manhattan.

Shortly after I left Manhattan, Finn and I moved into a small house in Boston, where I've been raising him, and my other son, Noah, who I just adopted. It was good. I love my children. Both of them are amazing, and just being able to be a mother and an advocate for rape, sexual and domestic violence, and foster care has been all I need.


We arrived in Manhattan a little after 8, and I was thankful to get Finn out of the car. He was antsy and had thrown a few fits about not being able to play in the car.

"Well isn't it Olivia Benson." Alex smiled, as she walked out of her brownstone. I smiled as Finn ran right to her. Squealing things that I couldn't make out, but he was excited.

I got Noah out and held him close as he continued to sleep.

"How was the drive?" Alex asked, and I sighed.

"Mr. Finn was being hyper and antsy." I replied, and she frowned.

"Well, we can go inside and he can play for a bit before going to bed."

We went inside, Alex escorted Finn into her living room, and he started to play with her son's toys.

Shortly after we left, Alex married a business lawyer, and since then they had welcomed a son who they named Luke.

I went and laid Noah down before walking out just in time to see Alex's husband, Mark, arrive home.

"Hey there stranger." He smiled, and I chuckled.

"Hi Mark. How are you?" I asked.

"Decent. Working on a lot of cases where my bosses are getting sued." He sighed, and I smiled.

"Well, do they deserve to be sued?" I questioned, as I walked over and sat next to Finn on the floor.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to save their asses." He sighed, and Finn giggled.

"Asses." My son giggled, and I stared at Mark with disapproval.

"Sorry." He laughed, before walking over to Alex and kissing her.

"So, have you talked to Elliot lately?" Alex asked, and I quickly turned to look at her.

"Why would I talk to him?" I questioned.

"Because." Alex replied simply, and I frowned.

"I'm not speaking to him. This is supposed to be a visit where I can spend time with you three, and the boys can play." I stated, and Alex sighed.

"If you say so."


The next morning, Alex insisted on taking me to work with her. Her babysitter was going to watch all three of the boys.

"I'm a detective, Alex, not a lawyer." I sighed, as we walked towards her office.

"So? You probably know more about the court system and the slimy bastards I work with more than most of these people do." Alex asked and I sighed.

"So what do you want me to do then? Sit and look pretty?" I asked, and she chuckled.

"If you want."

I helped her pull some records on some cases, but at about noon, someone walked into the room.

"Alex, we need a warrant." The voice spoke, and I felt chills run down my spine. I didn't look up, I just tried to ignore who was there.

"Elliot! Why didn't you call?" Alex questioned, and he sighed.

"Because we need one now. Come on, just get a judge to sign it, Alex." Elliot spoke, and she sighed. She sat and started to draw up one, while Elliot started to walk around.

"When did you get an assistant?" Elliot asked, and I restrained from laughing.

"I didn't. Um, what do you need it all for?" Alex asked, trying to get him to not notice me.

"Car, office, house, and computer. Who are you then?" He spoke, asking the last part to me. I shifted my hair behind my ear and looked at him.

He's jaw dropped as he looked at me and I swallowed hard.

"Hey, Stabler." I breathed, and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Liv, when did you get back?" He questioned.

"Just visiting." I replied.

"Is Finn here with you?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, but he's with the sitter. Alex, I'm going to go and get lunch. What do you want?" I asked, wanting to get off the topic of my son.

"Um, a salad. Here, Elliot follow me." Alex spoke, handing me some money for her lunch, and ordering Elliot to follow her.

Is it possible for me not to feel awkward around him?

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