It Is Love

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A/N: angst angst angst angst

Warning: suicidal thoughts and actions


A spell.

Both, or whatever you could call what this is.

Such a thing was created by a witch. A drop of this black fluid made you crazy.

Crazy to preform your deepest, darkest, most regrettable desire.

No one knew why she had targeted the pack, it seemed as if she just wanted to see the different outcomes of what would happen.

The woman had snuck a drop into Isaacs cereal. The pack had come to find out that his deepest, darkest desire was to kill his father.

His veins turned black and his body broke into uncoordinated spasms when he tried to fight the dangerous urge.

Luckily, his father was dead.

So instead, Isaac had tore the grave up with his bare hands, crying and screaming as he ripped his father's body and coffin apart, he even smashed the grave stone afterwards.

All they could do was watch as the stench of rotting flesh and the smell of tears invaded their nostrils, scared that if they tried to stop him, he or someone else would get hurt.

When the deed was done, they had watched as the black lines over his veins slowly receeded, a single drop of the liquid he had ingested leaving his tear duct.

Isaac was a mess, but he was thankful that he hadn't hurt anybody.

This was the first of the black fluids victims.

The second was the Sheriff's son.

He had left his water bottle open and unattended while consoling a weeping Isaac, only to close the bottle again and take it back to his house with the teenagers. The Alpha, Chris and Peter searching the perimeter to find the witch.
In the living room he had casually taken a sip of his water, only to drop it when the black veins had appeared across his forearm, gaping as it spread across his whole body in shock.

Stiles Stilinski's most deep and darkest desire was to tell the truth.

Didn't seem that bad... right?

The truth can be more powerful than anybody can imagine. Stiles in particular had told them all individually the harsh truth that he saw in them.

He couldn't stop, even as Erica wept when he called her a selfish, narcissistic bitch. Even as he screamed at her, pointing out all her insecurities and every wrong she had ever made towards him or the pack. He just couldn't stop the words flowing as he insulted and shouted at them all.

Scott, Lydia, Jackson and the Sheriff had gotten it the worst.

The black veins curled around his fingers as he pointed at the red head. "You! You may not be a werewolf but you are a different kind if monster. I spent TEN YEARS pining after you and you would lead me on to keep on pining, you never friend zoned me, you never told me no. You know why? Because you are a fucking sociopath! You liked it! You liked that somebody kept on crawling after you, all for your massive fucking ego!" He spat, feeling horrible as tears ran down her cheeks, stuttering apologies because all that he said was true. And that hurt the most, it was worse than an insult because it was one hundred percent spot on.

"And you!" He spun around, in Jackson's face, Jackson seemed worried and he was very right to be. "You are fucking pathetic, you know that, right? You are an asshole and a bully and your only excuse is because you are adopted. Are you fucking kidding me?! Your parents DIED WHEN YOU WERE A BABY! You were adopted by a RICH couple that LOVES YOU and you don't even give them the time of fucking day! Don't you see that some of us have real problems! Or didn't you notice? Like you didn't notice Isaac being abused from across the street- OH WAIT YOU DID! AND YOU STILL DID NOTHING YOU SELFISH PIECE OF SHIT"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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