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AU: The nogitsune kidnaps Derek and tells him a secret that Stiles has been keeping from him



"I don't know where to begin with you, Derek" The Nogitsune purred. "So many memories- violent ones I might add- that he has with you. So much death, so much pain! He's seen so much! Its quite entertaining, actually. It's like watching a television show."

Derek stayed silent, he didn't want to give that asshole any pleasure in his anger, especially when it played around, looking through Stiles' memories.

The fox fake pouted, it looked cute when Stiles did it but this just made Derek mad. "What's wrong, Derek? Are you mad at me?"

Derek said nothing.

The Nogitsune smirked, leaning closely. "Oh c'mon Derek, don't be such a sourwolf!"

"Don't you fucking call me that!" Derek snarled, baring his fangs. He tried to break the metal chair he was chained to but he failed.

The fox pulled away, giggling creepily. "Seems we've hit a nerve?" It smiled at Derek. Stiles looked strangely attractive like this. Derek preferred how he usually looked, no bags under his eyes or abnormally pale skin. Yes stiles was pale, but he wasn't this pale, he looked dead like this.

The Nogitsune seemed to realize something."No," It began to grin wildly, It laughed and winked at Derek. "Oh no, Derek! You don't actually love him do you?"

Derek looked down and shifted uncomfortably, It clapped its hands in wild glee. "Too good! Oh! Its just too good!"

The fox brought its face closer to Derek's. "Its okay if you don't want to talk..." He whispered, his breath hot in Derek's ear. Derek found himself getting a tiny bit turned on, just a bit. It sounded and looked like Stiles, after all.

"s-stop." Derek muttered without much conviction as It brought its lip around Derek's ear, stroking his thigh.

"You know Derek, I can give you exactly what you want if you join me" not-Stiles purred as Derek flushed bright red. "Every. Night. I promise it."

"No..." Derek whispered. This was wrong. This was not Stiles and this was not what he wanted.

The Nogitsune sat on Derek's crotch and put its arms around him, their foreheads together.

"But just imagine how hot sex with me will be." The fox said, putting its hand under Derek's shirt, dangerously close to the waistband of his jeans. "I bet you've thought about this before..."

"I SAID STOP!" Derek roared, jerking forward and with the up-thrust of his hips, making the nogitsune fly across the room and hit its head on the wall.

In anger, the fox ran towards him and punched him squarely in the face, blood sprayed from Derek's mouth.

Not-Stiles composed himself and smiled. "Do you want to know a secret?"

"No." Derek growled, sick of its bullshit.

It leaned in, pressing a slender finger to Derek's chest. "He loves you too, you know."

This caught Derek completely off-guard. His eyes widened. "n-n-no! No! You lie!"

"oh Derek, you know I'm not lying. You cant hear my heartbeat so why lie? He thinks about you alot, you know." He smirked as Derek's face began to heat again.

The nogitsune paced around Derek."infact, he thinks about you everyday. When he eats, when he brushes his teeth, he worries about you when you fight enemies." Not-stiles stopped and looked at him with a sly smile. "in the shower he thinks about you alot too..."

Derek growled, it pissed him off that the nogitsune was humiliating him. "So what?" He snapped.

"Oh Derek, Derek, Derek. You're my hostage of course! All I need is to-"

"-To die? Yes, I agree." Stiles said pointing a pistol to the fox's head along with his dad. The pack were behind him, glaring but someone was missing...

The nogitsune flashed a blade and held it to Derek's throat, a cocky glint in its eye. "Like father, like son eh? Well, that is truly beautiful but I have to say Stiles, would you really put Derek's life in danger to kill me? Even with your feelings for him?"

"What does he mean by that, Stiles?" Lydia asked, looking at the pack weirdly.

"Yeah Stiles, what do I mean by that?" The nogitsune winked at him. The pack, his father and Chris looking between Stiles and Derek questioningly.

Stiles shifted on his feet, the gun tight in his hand, his eyes looking away for a moment. "I-I don't know what he's talking about..." He muttered, not looking at Derek.

"Shall I enlighten them?" The fox asked, eager to make him feel uncomfortable.

Stiles eyes widened and gave it that 'don't-you-fucking-dare' look. Unfortunately, this made the nogitsune do so.

"You see, Stiles has a secret. He is quite fond of Derek here, maybe a little too fond of him." The nogitsune cackled at Stiles' blush as he avoided the eyes of everyone around him, which were all looking at Stiles, most shocked.

The spirits face grew sinister. "But it's okay, I'm going to kill your friends. I'm going to kill your family. IM GOING TO KILL DEREK-wha!?" The Nogitsune yelped as Scott bit down on its arm, its face fell.

Scott pulled away as the fox clutched at its throat, writhing around. A small firefly erupted from its mouth as the husk hardened into stone, crashing onto the floor and exploding into dust.

Everything was silent except for the buzzing of the firefly, which was caught in the nemetan box by Isaac. He smiled sheepishly at the two, his face foretelling the coming awkwardness between them.

Peter and Chris untied Derek while Scott rubbed Stiles' shoulder. He leaned into his ear, "We can talk about that later, bro." He mumbled and Stiles smiled gratefully at Scott. He knew his best friend would understand.

When Derek was unchained he stood up and stared at Stiles. He stared back at him and the room grew silent.

Stiles couldn't take it anymore, he muttered about needing air and walked out, saying he's wait for them.

Derek made a move for the door, eager to talk to him but Scott and Kira blocked it.

"Don't." Scott growled, thinking that Derek wanted to hurt Stiles or something. This pissed him off so he pushed him away and went after Stiles, the others running after him.

Leaning on his jeep, Stiles began to get nervous when he saw Derek striding purposely towards him while everyone was yelling at him to stop, thinking he was gonna beat Stiles up.

Derek stopped inches away from Stiles. He heard the halt of footsteps as the others stopped to watch with confusion.

Stiles flinched as Derek moved his hand. He lifted Stiles' chin up a little, looking directly into his eyes. He heard Peter mutter a 'what the hell'.

Derek hesitated, then leaned in and brushed his lips against stiles' soft ones. He had wanted this for a long time now, and he was feeling that warm butterfly feeling in his stomach.He heard gasps as Stiles responded, deepening the kiss and wrapping his arms around Derek's neck, whose arms were around his waist.

They pulled away with little smiles as Scott cleared his throat, he was smiling goofily. Lydia and Kira were nudging each other, grinning and winking. Peter and Chris were gaping and the sheriff looked like he just saw cthulhu singing the national anthem, weirded out, but amused all the same. Isaac was whistling at them, which earned him a slap on the back of the head.

And that's how Derek found himself on Stiles' sofa, snuggling up to his boyfriend, watching their new favourite show Narcos.

And to be honest, he couldn't of felt happier.

A/N: Whew! That was longer than I intended! This is my favourite one so far, hope you liked it!

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