My Anchor

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AU: Derek looses his anchor, but finds a replacement ;)



Derek shook, fighting the- what was easy to fight -urge that he got on the full moon. It had never been so intense.

The pack stood in the loft in silence, concerned. They had never seen their alpha fight something so intimate as his own urges. It made them feel worried, if anyone had control, it was Derek Hale. And for him to actually struggle on the full moon? They were in trouble.

"Uhh... Derek? Are you okay?" Scott asked, coming forward a little and putting a hesitant hand on Derek's shoulder, which Derek threw off almost immediately.

"M-My anchor..." Derek breathed, ragged and sweaty. His eyes shone and his canines were elongated, a look of pure terror in his eyes. "Its-Its gone!"

Stiles pulled Boyd to the side. "What's his anchor?" He asked, he never really knew what Derek's anchor was, they didn't really talk much.

"Pain and anger." Boyd said, addressing the whole pack in a sudden realization. "Pain and anger always did it for him, but now..." They turned to Derek, as if he'd connect the dots.

When they saw Derek, he was human again but he wasn't okay, not at all. His eyes were squeezed shut and his hands clamped over his ears, muttering quietly but audibly. "Nonono. I cant-it-it wont work! I-I he wont- argh!"

Derek stayed silent for a minute. He slowly brought his head up to address his pack, who were looking fearful at him. "I'm okay now." He said, eyeing a particular member, then looking away in... embarrassment? What was going on?

"No. You cant suddenly be okay! What happened with your anchor and why aren't you tearing us apart if you don't have one?" Scott demanded, refusing to drop the subject. He folded his arms at Derek, waiting for an answer.

"If you don't shut up I will tear you apart." Derek growled, reminding Scott who the alpha was, making him lower his head a little in submission.

"I found a new one." He mumbled, looking away from the pack and seeming really uncomfortable.

"What is it?" Stiles asked innocently, stealing a glance at Derek, who seemed to be looking at him an awful lot today.

"More like who." Erica leered, earning an irritated glance from Derek.

Erica and Isaac started nudging each other, as if there was some kind of inside joke that only they knew about- and Boyd, because he was shaking his head at them and muttering a quiet-but-urgent "Stop."

Allison and Lydia shared confused looks, Scott folded his arms at them, scowling. "If there is something you haven't told us, tell us. We're a pack, we need to be able to trust each other!"

The three stiffened and looked at Derek for help, he gave them both some very stern warning looks in response.

"Its not important. Its more... Personal." Boyd said, careful with his words.

"If its not important, then why is Derek so keen to keep the secret?" Scott shot back.

"Dude. He obviously doesn't want anyone else to know so drop it." Stiles said because Scott was seriously pushing Derek's boundaries. Derek gave a small smile, thinking that no one was looking at him.

"What's so funny?" Scott demanded again, aggravated.

Derek's smile fell and he just glared at Scott. "nothing. Just get out of my ass and mind your own business." He said, standing up and walking to the stairs when Scott grabbed his arm.

"Tell us. It must not be that big of a deal because you told those three" -he pointed at guilty Erica, Isaac and Boyd- "how are we supposed to trust yo-"

"If I tell you, will you shut up?" Derek shouted, exasperated.

"Yes!" Scott shouted back and Derek dragged him into the kitchen, slamming the door.

Stiles heard silence for about thirty seconds until Scott started shouting.


Allison and Lydia whipped their heads towards Stiles, who's jaw was dropped and his eyes were wide.

"STILES is your anchor?!" Scott shouted in disbelief, Stiles heard the slap of Derek's facepalm.

"what." Stiles muttered, exited but confused. What did this mean? Did Derek not tell him something about himself or...?

"Derek is gay for stiles?" Lydia murmured, then laughed out loud in sheer disbelief. "DEREK is GAY for STILES!" She squealed, clapping her hands in silent laughter like a retarded seal. Allison joined her in the retarded seal clapping while Stiles stood frozen.

The betas watched stiles closely, worried at how he'd take it. It was kind of their fault that the secret was revealed so if Stiles took it badly, they would be in deep shit with their alpha.

Stiles blushed hard as Derek and Scott walked in. Derek flinched at the packs expressions, they obviously heard it.

Shitshitshit he thought to himself as he was never getting out of this. Nope.

He turned to get the fuck into his room before humiliation consumed him when Stiles grabbed his arm.

Derek was about to tell him to let go but he couldn't because Stiles had put his lips against his, the kiss was nice and a tiny bit awkward until Derek kissed back and it turned a whole lot better. They both relaxed as Stiles wrapped his arms around his neck and Derek with his waist, still in the kiss. It was perfect.

STEREK ONESHOTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें