All Dogs Go To... (Pt 3)

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"Garth?" Derek questioned, that was a weird-ass name. But then again so was Stiles.

"Garth. Don't wear it out!" he chuckled, Derek wondered if it were possible for this man to ever be sad.

Probably not.

"So... 'Garth', Do you know where we are? I have no clue and i do remember dying so is this some sort of afterlife or...?"

Garth's everlasting smile weakened a little. Only a little.

"Purgatory. Any sort of non-human creature goes here when they die."

Purgatory? A rumor or rather a fairy tale had said that once werewolves died, they would go to a heaven for werewolves, a place called purgatory. Derek believed that whoever had started the rumor was oddly misinformed. This wasn't ''heaven for werewolves' this was just a big-ass forest.

Derek frowned. "But you killed those vampires... what happens if you die here?"

The Omega looked thoughtful, "Well the Mother of all monsters-aka our creator- is dead, she holds no ownership of our soul anymore so maybe when we die in purgatory we either go to heaven or hell."

Derek frowned. He hoped that was the case but he really didn't think that if Garth's theory was correct that he would be taking the trip upstairs.

Maybe his thoughts showed on his face a little, Garth smiled warmly at him. "You seem like a good guy Derek, Ive heard of the Hales and they had said to be known as protectors rather than killers, im betting my money you'll make it upstairs in no time."

Derek had to smile at that. "Are you saying im going to die, Garth?" He teased.

Garth shrugged. "Im saying that sooner or later we will probably die for a second time, I can feel it."

Derek really had nothing to say about that.

"So... hypothetically, if I had a mate, a human one. Would they be here too?" He asked, worried eyes glancing over at Garth.

The omega grinned up at the Alpha. "No. They're human, so they would be in heaven or hell I'm guessing. I haven't seen a single human in purgatory, i know someone who's been there, but he escaped."

Derek frowned. "You can leave this place?"

Garth chuckled. "Humans aren't supposed to be here, scruffy. There's a portal that humans can use to get back to earth if they end up here."

"How did that guy end up here then?"

"A very long story." Garth smiled wistfully at the memory, he turned to Derek. "I barely even understand it myself."

Garth sighed, a cheeky grin spreading on his face. "So your ''hypothetical' human mate is probably up in heaven somewhere, wondering where the hell you are."

"Stiles." Derek muttered.

Garth gave the man a questioning look, as if he had said something incoherent while sneezing.

"My mate, his name is Stiles... Miecyslaw, actually but everyone called him Stiles." Now it was Derek's turn to smile wistfully.

"Heh, you seemed like the nearly-homophobic straight guy or the topping-totally-butch gay dude. I'm glad your not the first one"

Derek just rolled his eyes.

Garth smirked. "You kinda remind me of that guy i was telling you about."

"The Purgatory human?" Garth nodded. "How so?"

The omega chuckled. "Gruff. A bit of an asshole but he was good...loyal" Garth turned to him and whispered rather dramatically. "I always had a suspicion he liked his friend, this 'Cas' guy he kept talking about, but i never brought up the suggestion."

Derek snorted. Garth was too much like Stiles, they were painfully alike but in a way that made Derek smile rather than weep.

"You remind me of Stiles." Derek confessed, ignoring Garth placing a hand on his heart in mock flattery. "He was an idiot, but he was my idiot. He was goofy and was like the mom to everyone in the pack. He wanted to skip collage and become a deputy since his father was the sheriff and that he could never really leave Beacon Hills. He was kind, intelligent-dispite his love for romcoms-"

"-Romcoms are awsome!" Garth protested, earning an annoyed glance from Derek before he carried on.

"He was going to begin training a week after Christmas but he never got around to it, at least we died together. In that sense i consider myself lucky."

Garth put a hand on his shoulder, Derek appreciated the gesture.

"And lucky you are, i took a wolfsbane bullet to the heart jumping in front of my mate. I hope she's okay though."

Of course it was unsaid that he knew she wasn't. The death of a mate changes you, like Peter.

As the days went by, Garth and Derek grew closer to eachother, but such a friendship could've blossomed into something pack-like if they hadn't have been slaughtered by an alpha pack. Their last words to eachother dying in the dead leaves being, "I will see you soon, my brother" from Garth and a small smile from Derek. They were free from their green prison.


"DEREK IS HERE!" He heard the screaming of Laura as he woke up in his old bed.

His family rushed into the bedroom, excited smiles on their faces.


"Where the hell were you?!"

"Hi son."

"Tell us everything!"

After about two hours of crying and silent hugging, Derek sat down with his deceased family in the living room. (Haha irony)

Laura looked a little awkward, she was nudged on by Talia as she gritted out: "So... how's Kate?-"

"-I know she started the fire."

"Oh thank god."

The others breathed in relief, Derek guessed that they had probably rehearsed ways to tell him that might've softened the blow. Derek wondered if they'd have actually thought he would of loved her until death. Maybe it was because he was pretty infatuated with her at the time, despite the fact that her family desp8sed her.

He told them more or less about how Kate killed them, how Peter killed Laura and how Peter killed Kate. Luna (Peters mate) had wept at his uncle's actions until Derek had assured her that he got better and nearly back to his normal ways. It had seemed that Laura had already forgiven him for his unspeakable crime, but Talia seemed like she'd beat the crap out of him as soon as she saw him again.

He did not mention his pack or his mate, he had all the time in the world for that. He just really missed Stiles and he was anxious to know where he was.

The conversation was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

"Seems like someone's here for you," his father grinned.

The door opened and Derek was shocked to see the small frame if his first love.


As soon as her eyes landed on him her face broke out into a big smile.

"Your so tall!" She grinned, enveloping him in a warm hug. Derek began to murmur apologies into her ear but he was cut off by her telling him very pointedly to shut up.

"Up here, I've never been happier." She assured him as she walked over to the door.

"Funny story, actually: i was at home with my parents and some kid showed up, looking for you. He knew all about me and he was looking forward to see you." She smirked and wiggled her suggestive eyebrows at him.

Laura and Talia shared confused glances as Paige opened the door and a familiar lanky figure stepped in, a crooked smile on his face.

"Hey sourwolf."

Derek had never hugged someone so hard in his life.

A/N: and you thought this would be a sad fic lmao i dont do that satanic crap

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