Mating purr

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AU: Derek evolved into a wolf but cant turn back so the pack leave him with Stiles so they can ask Dr Deaton what is happening.

But he keeps whining and purring. Stiles doesn't understand.




"I don't know what you want!" Stiles half-shouted at the wolf on the other side of the couch. Wolf-Derek whined and Stiles could've sworn he saw his eyes roll.

Stiles sat with his laptop on his lower abdomen, typing. Derek kept on distracting him with that damn purring and whining, wanting his attention.

Stiles wouldn't have minded Derek clamouring for his attention, human, in fact he would of loved it but wolf-Derek was just getting on his nerves.

"Fuck it. I'll find out by myself what's going on with you." He said, typing even faster.

He could see the way Derek tilted his head that he would be snarking something like 'by google?' And a sardonic laugh that made him alot more attractive, thinking of him.

The wolf crawled in-between Stiles and the sofa to look at his laptop with interest.

"Ah. Okay so... When a werewolf finds its mate and has confirmed its suspicions of the mates attraction to them, they evolve into a wolf" He smiled at Derek with hidden disappointment. Derek was interested in somebody else. But Stiles should be happy for him.

"Your in love? Awwww. Okay I am getting off topic. How do we change you back?" He clicked through the information, looking for something to help Derek out of his situation. "ah!... Okay so it says here order to transform back to human form, the wolf must mark its mate if the mate accepts the bond"

He looked quizzically at Derek. Marking was basically licking, nibbling and scenting the person.

"Okay so we need to find your mate, Derek. Do you know where they are?" The wolf looked amused. Derek would've smirked.

He purred and whined. Stiles looked further into the info.

"a wolf askes its mate if they could be marked in a series of purring and whining... Oh." He blushed hard. He was Derek's mate?! Derek proceeded to lick his neck and Stiles felt a... Change in weight.

Derek was still curled up with Stiles but this time he was human. And very naked. He reached over the sofa and grabbed a blanket to cover him. Derek smiled at him.

"So you-"

"I love you, Stiles." He said seriously.

The boys eyes crinkled. "I love you too."


The pack entered the house to tell Derek about the info they just had found.

Isaac looked confident. "Guys we're back! We- oh my god." He stopped in the doorway, engulfed in the sight of Derek and Stiles curled up in an embrace on the sofa, asleep. Derek was naked but his lower half was covered with a blanket. His face was calm and happy, resting on Stiles' collarbone.

The rest of the group caught up with him and too, stood frozen in the doorway.

"Awwww so cute." Erica drawled as she snapped a picture. "This is my new lock screen."

Scott looked creeped out. "So he's like... Derek's mate?"

Peter smirked. "I just hope they don't make too much noise at night."

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