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AU: The alpha pack have wounded Derek. The couple sit surrounded on the porch of the burnt-out hale house and await their death... Or do they?



They sat on the dusty wooden floorboards of the hale house porch. "I can smell them, they're coming." Derek wheezed, leaning against his mate with his bloody arm wrapped around his waist.

Stiles sighed, rubbing his head soothingly. He zipped his hoodie up and resumed with the head-rubbing, making Derek lean into his neck.

"You could go, Stiles." Derek said without much conviction. "If you run fast enough or hide, maybe they wont find you." He winced, his mauled shoulder had not healed.

Stiles kissed his forehead, a sad smile on his lips. "You know that's not going to happen, Derek. They'd find me eventually." He said, holding the alpha tighter. His mates blood stained his hoodie, it was okay though, he wouldn't be needing it soon.

A tear ran down Derek's cheek, the realization fully hitting him at their oncoming death. "but-but you could try..." He whimpered, wetting Stiles' neck with his tears. "you could-you could-"

"Even if I could escape them in the forest, I'd be running for my life. They'd kill me anyway." He whispered in Derek's neck, l hot tears falling also. "I don't want that type of life, Derek. It'll ruin me."

"I just don't want you to die." Derek sobbed, clutching tighter at Stiles, that horrible feeling of dread and misery when you find out that there is nothing you can do to save the one person that you love.

Stiles cried into his neck, he would not leave his mate under any circumstances. Either way he would die and this way, dying alongside Derek, would be better than living without him and constantly being on the run, only to be caught in the end. "I'd rather die with you than without you, my mate, my beautiful mate."

Derek looked up at his lover, his beautiful green eyes lit with misery. "I love you, so much, so fucking much, Stiles."

Stiles smiled, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. "I love you too sourwolf, I'm so sorry that I cant control the spark." He whispered as the faint sound of footsteps hit Derek's ears.

"Its okay baby, it probably wouldn't of saved us anyway." Derek reassured him but Stiles doubted it.

Three pairs of red glowing eyes shone in the dark tree line, the putrid smell of his enemies made him want to throw up. He buried his face in the crook of Stiles' neck, breathing in his sweet scent, the only thing he wanted to smell before he died. "They're here." He whispered softly, nuzzling his mate.

Stiles stiffened a little. "We die together?" He whispered back, awaiting confirmation.

"We die together." Derek confirmed.

"Look who's ready to die." Kali drawled, flicking her claws out and grinning at Ennis, who growled playfully and picked the blood from his jacket.

They both said nothing, just held each other.

Ducalian adjusted the glasses on his nose and gave them both a charismatic smile. "We killed the Darach which means we are even more powerful. So don't think you can escape us."

"We didn't." Stiles muttered, standing up and leaving Derek confused. What was he doing?

Stiles stepped forward, a look of rage in his eyes. "You leave my mate alone." He snarled.

Kali and Ennis burst into fits of laughter, Ducalian narrowed his eyes, suspicious. "Or what?"

Stiles closed his eyes and re-opened them, electric blue. The alphas faces turned serious, Ducalian bared his teeth. "a spark." He spat

Derek was scared, Stiles did not know how to control his spark and it could be dangerous if he tried to unleash it but all he could do was watch his mate.

The alphas charged in unison, roaring at the top of their lungs at the boy.

Before they got into clawing distance, Stiles raised his hands, blue lighting erupting from them. "DON'T TOUCH MY MATE!" He screamed, burning his foes.

They screamed in agony as their skin melted and their eyes boiled in their skulls, Stiles didn't stop electrocuting them until they were just a pile of glowing ashes.

He stopped, eyes glowing and breathing heavily.

He ran to Derek and collapsed in his arms. "I cant believe it! I cant believe I actually did it! He rasped, exhausted as Derek held him.

"you saved me, baby. You saved my life." Derek enthused because stiles really did.

Derek howled for his pack and waited a few minutes, hearing howling in return. They were coming for their alphas.

They lay there, waiting for Scott and the others to pick them up.

Derek nuzzled Stiles' neck and whispered. "Stiles."

"hmmmm?" Stiles mumbled, snuggling closer.

"Think of every single sexual favor that could be done to a person." Derek said huskily, holding him tighter and breathing into his ear.

"Yeah...?" Stiles asked, not really getting it.

"I am going to do all of them for you." Derek whispered.

Stiles made a noise that sounded like a gasp and a hiccup at the same time, making Derek grin as the pack came through the tree line.

Isaac looked around and frowned. "Where's the alphas?" He asked, weary of the twins, he was still getting used to the two as allies.

"You're stepping in them." Derek said and laughed as Isaac and the twins jumped out of the ashes, brushing themselves off as their asses hit the ground.

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