'Bad Day'

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A/U: Derek got in a nasty fight with a rouge omega, he comes to Stiles house to rest



It was pouring with rain outside and Stiles was worried sick. Scott called Stiles explaining that Derek was in a fight with a rouge omega and after he won, he took off.

Scott always kept him updated with Derek Hale. He knew about how Stiles felt and he wanted to help as much as possible. Scotty always teased Stiles, telling him that Derek also liked him and that he should totally ask him out. Stiles just laughed and waved it off.

A bloody hand grasped at the window. Stiles yelped and opened it, helping the man inside. He was so relieved that nothing else had happened to Derek, but he was pissed as well. Why the fuck did he have to run away like that?

Once in his room, Derek collapsed into the desk chair, his jacket on the floor as well as his soaking-wet shoes.

"God, Derek. What the hell happened." Stiles asked, concerned, putting his jacket on the radiator to dry.

"I'm having what one may call a 'bad day'" he groaned, sitting up and taking his shirt off and revealing two deep gashes.

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock. Those are deep, they need stitching." Derek nodded as Stiles ran to the bathroom, coming out he had already threaded the needle.

He sat down and began to stitch Derek up. His face was a mask of concentration but Stiles Stilinski was reeking of anger. Derek was confused. Why would stiles be angry? Derek didn't do anything wrong, as far as he was concerned.

Derek couldn't take it anymore. "Why are you angry?"

The smell was coming off of Stiles at a more alarming rate, but the boys face was still straight as he kept sewing. "I'm not angry Derek. I'm fucking livid." He looked up at Derek with some of his rage showing. "How fucking dare you!"


"How dare you fight that thing on your own! If the pack fought with you, you wouldn't of been so injured!"

"Stiles, I'm an alpha. Its my responsibility, I couldn't let them get hurt!" Derek argued.

"Yeah? And now your hurt!" Stiles spat.


"So? So?!" Stiles shrilled, Derek didn't know what the fuss was about. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Hale? You act like it's all fine when you nearly die. Like no one gives a shit how hurt you are as long as you're alive!"

"But isn't that true?" He asked innocently.

"Oh My Fucking Jesus." Stiles facepalmed hard. How dumb is this guy?

"The whole pack were looking for you when you ran off! We were so fucking worried you asshole! You think you mean nothing! I was so fucking worried it was killing me!" Stiles stood up, done with the stitches. He was so ready for Derek to leave now, before he said something he'd regret.

Derek just stared as Stiles looked out of the window, the rain beating it furiously. Stiles continued his rant but a bit quieter, as if he was saying it to himself. "What the fuck is wrong with you. You think that I wouldn't care, I care so much. I care too much. It hurts me when your hurt." Stiles turned to him, anger returning. "So never ever do that to me again. I don't give a rats ass if you don't return the feelings, I don't want you to be reckless. I-"

Stiles' angry rant was stopped by Derek's lips. It took all of Stiles not to sigh in relief as Derek wrapped his arms around his waist. The kiss lasted ages and Stiles never wanted to let go. He was happy and all he wanted to do was kiss Derek, but apparently, air was vital after forty seconds of kissing.

Once they pulled away, Derek buried his head in the crook of Stiles' neck. "I'm sorry I hurt you." He mumbled. "I'm not used to being... Cared for."

"I forgive you, just don't do it again please." Stiles said in his ear. He felt at the gashes under the mans shirt, they were already healing.

This made Derek feel really guilty. He had no idea how much the boy had cared, he knew how awful it felt to worry like that. How dare he do such a stupid thing!

"You shouldn't, at least not straight away. What I did was unacceptable and I swear I will make it up to you, I promise." He whispered.

"Its okay. I have you now." Stiles whispered back.

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