All Dogs Go To...

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A/N: sorry guys.

Stiles whimpered as Derek clutched his hand tightly, their blood slickening their hands.

The Alpha lay beside his mate in a puddle of both of their blood, trying to stay awake but knowing of the severity of their wounds that all efforts were futile.

"I love you." His mate whispered as he slowly turned to their weeping pack members. "I love all of you."

"W-we love you too... PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US!" Lydia broke down in sobs, clutching both of their chests knowing better than all of them, that death was on its way for their leaders.

Scott gripped both of their free hands, free flowing tears streaking his face. "Brother don't do this please. We need you both, the pack need you please." He cried, his voice wobbly from weeping.

"Derek, please." Isaac begged at his side. "Y-your like a dad to me, Derek your our family. Mom, Dad please god we can't loose you." He sobbed, clutching at Erica and Boyd for dear life.

Derek squeezed Stiles' hand and smiled at his betas. "Thank you.." he coughed, blood dribbling down his chin. "After the fire..I...had no one. You are my pack.... my-my family and... i love you."

Peter and Jackson stood back, tears flowing. Stiles and Derek had allowed them a second chance in life and now...

Peter had always loved his nephew. He was his only friend, the only person who didn't mind putting up with him. He let him in his pack after he killed his sister and showed him what family really was. And now Derek and Stiles were lying a growing pool of their own blood. Peter had no idea how much he would miss the Lunas sarcasm and cutting retorts, or Derek's gruff affection. But now all he knew was that his nephew had saved him.

Jackson had always known that he was a trophy son. That the stuck-ups that were his parents didn't actually love him. His whole life he had lived with little to no affection whatsoever. The hale pack had changed everything. Lydia had showed him how to love, his pack members had showed him the true meaning of family. That it was not about blood, but bond. Stiles and Derek saved him.

Boyds father had died and his mother was too out of it on anti-depressants to take care of him and his sister. Aleasha ended up committing suicide, making matters worse for Boyd who had to nearly force feed his mother to keep her alive. After Derek took him under his wing he had felt stronger, happier. The two Alphas had saved him.

Erica's mother was an author, like Boyd, she too did not have a father figure in her life. The she wolf had been a seizing laughingstock before she was bitten. Erica's mother drank more than she wrote, when Erica had been kidnapped for a week her mother had not noticed. That was when Derek had decided to become her legal guardian, he couldn't stand the fact that her own mother didn't care. He surrogate parents had saved her.

After years of abuse and neglect, Isaacs father had finally got what was coming to him, leaving the wolf homeless. As soon as the incident happened, Derek had given him a place to live. As an abuse victim, Isaac kept quiet, never speaking up to defend himself in fear of physical abuse. The bite had made him stronger and more determined to protect himself and his pack. His real family had saved him.

Stiles gave his mate a red smile as the Packs sobbing became more intense. "You saved me baby.." Derek wheezed, returning the smile with his own red mouth.

A tear ran down the boy's cheek. "And you gave me a reason to live..." Was the last thing that Stiles choked out before his beautiful heart stopped.

"Stiles...STILES! Stiles wake up! Cmon Stiles!" Scott screamed, shaking the corpse of his best friend.

Peter started to put pressure on Derek's side but Derek slapped his hands away. "Don't."

"Are you insane?!" Peter shrilled, pretending like he wasn't still crying.

"Y-you know what it... its like to loose a mate..." Derek choked out, gesturing to Stiles' body that Scott and Lydia couldn't squeeze the life out of.

The life was gone from that beautiful body.

Peter nodded gravely, it was what had turned him insane, the pain and misery of a dead mate. He would've rather died than let her die.

He still would.

"Ive...Ive lost too much... the pain-I can't... Not without him.." He trailed off, blood and tears thick in his throat.

Peter tried not to let his tears show as the thought sunk in. His favourite family member was going to let himself die.

Peter leaned down and clutched his hand, "thank you, Derek." He cried, "You saved me from insanity, you taught me about... about family. I would've never survived without you, nephew"

Derek tried to speak, but even for a werewolf his voice was incoherent.

The pack gathered around him as his eyes began to shut and his heroic heart began to slow.

Derek smiled in death, the pleasure in knowing that he'd die without having to feel loss ever again.

Peter gently placed a kiss on his forehead and then on Stiles'

The others shakily followed suit, even Jackson.

"Goodbye nephew." Peter whispered.


Derek woke up with a gasp.

One minute, he was blood-bathing on the floor of an abandoned were house and the next...

Derek stood up and surveyed the area to find that he was surrounded by trees... weird.

He had a clear memory of dying. He knew for a fact that he was dead.

But where the hell was he?

A/N: part 2?

STEREK ONESHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang