You're Cute As a Girl (Pt 1)

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AU: Fem Sterek y'all and a secret relationship




-Scotts P.O.V-

We were having a pack meeting at Stiles' house about the witch. After fighting her, she fled. But before she fled, she had mumbled Stiles and Derek's name in the middle of some Latin rambling and then she was gone. (who even knew stiles' name was Genim!)

We sat around the coffee table eating the pizza the Sherriff bought us while we discussed the possibilities.

We came back from the fight, bloody and torn. It was a surprise that Stiles and Derek were just chatting on the way back. I have the sneaking suspicion that they like each other. Maybe just Derek, the way he looked at Stiles could only be described as concentrated affection. I think its weird that Derek looked at anyone like that, let alone Stiles! I could kind of see them together though.

Derek was in the bathroom and Stiles was in his bedroom, changing his bloodstained clothing so I couldn't interrogate any of them.

"Maybe it was nothing. We haven't seen any changes in the two."

"But why the hell would she say all that Latin shit?" Lydia asked.

"Do you think they were like, cursed or something?" I wondered, brushing some dirt off of Allison's shoulder. She still looked pretty even smudged with dirt. She smiled at me and I smiled back. We were cut out of our staring by two shrieks. Both female.


The group turned to the living room doorway as Stiles came running down the stairs. Or at least it was Stiles.

In his clothing was a pretty short haired girl. She had brown hair and moles on her neck, she was pale, naturally and from fright. Her doe eyes were wide, showing off their whiskey colour.

No one said anything. They just stared at the girl.

"Guys! What's happening to me?" She squealed, looking down at her chest in frightened awe. Stiles Stilinski had boobs!

"... Stiles. Is that actually you?" Lydia asked. Stiles nodded and everyone burst into fits of laughter. How was this funny?! Would she be like this for life?! This was a very serious matter!

"Now we know what the witch did!" Isaac chucked, his hands over his stomach in laughter.

Fucking asshole, Stiles thought.

"Quit laughing! It isn't funny!" She pouted. Stiles did not want to be a girl. What would Derek think? Would he still want her? Would he leave Stiles? She couldn't talk about it with anyone because their relationship was a secret and the only one who knew was his father who approved, but would shoot Derek in a heartbeat if he hurt Stiles in any way. So telling him was out of the question.

They finally sobered, Cora spoke up. "Where's my brother at? I thought he was going to the-"

She didn't need ro finish as a tall dark haired girl stormed in, angry as hell, red eyes blazing. The dark brown hair that fell over her shoulders was very much like Cora's.

"I'm gonna find that bitch AND IM GONNA RIP HER FUCKING THROAT OUT!" She roared, looking around. Her eyes fell on Stiles.

"Stiles?" She queried, squinting at her now girlfriend.

"Derek?" Stiles asked, tilting her head. Well, at least they were in this together.

Derek still had her leather jacket on, her shirt was baggy but you could clearly see her large chest size, and without a bra, it was alot more obvious. Boyd slapped Isaac on the back of the head to keep his focus elsewhere.

Stiles made a mental note to hurt Isaac in any and every way possible from then on.

"No. No. No. No! I don't want to be female!" Derek whined, looking in the mirror. She looked really upset. Cora placed a hand on her older sibling. Stiles wanted to kiss Derek and wrap her arms around her, but they were with their friends so that was a no-go.

Stiles figured that the super-duper manly Derek Hale wouldn't trade his masculinity for anything, which was probably why she was freaking out now.

No one knew this, but Derek was afraid that Stiles wouldn't want her if she was a girl. She looked shyly at Stiles, she smiled a little and Stiles just winked. Nevermind then.

"Oh c'mon Derek! I've always wanted another sister! We'll have so much fun!" And to that Derek groaned.

"Oooh! I know! Until you turn back, we can call you Dennis!" Allison piped.


"Dennis it is then, Dennis" Cora teased. Derek glared at her and Stiles smirked in amusement.

"Yeah Stiles!" Lydia punched his arm. "That's the spirit! We can totally go shopping together!" Stiles also groaned in response.

A/N: Should I make a part 2? Vote/comment if yes!




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