All Dogs Go to... (Pt 2)

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A/N: Imagine two unlikely characters teaming up. Thats the hint :)

Trees, trees and oh! ...nevermind thats also a tree.

Derek walked around the forest, bored. It seemed like the damn thing would never end. Where the hell was he? Derek knew that he was dead, he had felt the life slipping out of him so he really couldn't understand what he was doing walking and muttering in clean before-the-fight clothes through a forest.

Was this... Heaven?

Some part of the alpha knew that he wasn't in heaven, and he certainly was not in hell... right?

Was this hell? Derek really did not see any fire or demons or anything that remotely resembled the place where you go if you did bad things. But then again, who was he to know? maybe this was hell.

If this was hell, then Derek didn't really seem the point in it being hell when the place around him was actually quite pleasant. It smelt of leaves, fresh and old, it smelt like nature, a place where the wolf inside him really belonged. it smelt like vampires, like soil- wait what?!

Derek ducked a hairs breadth away from the blade that could've ended him. He instinctively kicked and struck his attacker in the shins, the strength in his leg breaking the bone.

The vampire cried out and fell to the floor, the machete falling to the ground. Derek didn't hesitate to flip him over on his stomach, the assailant tried to get up but before he could do that, Derek slammed his foot down on the creatures back, breaking the spine most likely.

"Where the fuck am I?" Derek growled, his eyes flashing his favourite color and his fangs dropping to intimidate.

The creature smirked up at him, baring his ugly teeth, Derek became confused as to why the sharp-toothed fucker was smiling up at him, death isn't usually a time of happieness.

The hairs on the back of his neck prickled, his nose twitched in instinct.

Derek turned around sharply but it was too late.

An other one knocked him to the ground, Derek scrambled to get up but his ankle was caught unter a root and it refused to let him go.

She raised the knife, but before it could meet him, the owner of said knife's head fell off.


The body fell to the ground with a loud thump. 

A lanky man stood behind the body, the small smile on his face aimed at Derek.

Derek gaped up at his 'saviour', the man flashed him a smile and stuck his machete in the crippled vampires back, thus ending his life.

The man had close cropped hair and a shaven face, his clothes were a little dirty and he smelt like werewolf. But Derek recognized that he wasn't like the others, his smile was genuine and he had that seemingly innocent happy-go-lucky look about him, like slicing up werewolves were like chopping vegtables for lunch. This man kind of reminded him of Stiles.

The wolf stuck out his hand to help him up, Derek stood up unaided, hoping he could use his strength to gain some dignity back.

He peered closely at he guy, trying to figure him out. What was this mans angle? Why did he not behead Derek?

"uh, hi there..." The man said a little awkwardly, Derek realised it was because he was still staring at him.

He blinked and shook his head a little. "Hey, thanks for um... saving me" he said, swallowing his pride and accepting the fact that he had been saved by a lanky omega.

The man beamed. "No problem, you seem trustworthy so i guess that means you stick with me."

Derek scoffed. "Well i don't know anything about you..." He said deeply, yet walking beside the man, nontheless.

The omega laughed. "Alright, heres my amazingly interesting story: I was a hunter" He stopped when he caught Dereks distrustful stare, he put his hands up placatingly, almost like Stiles.

"Don't look at me like that, I was bitten when hunting alone. I knew the drill: get bitten, eat a bullet before you turn. I was about to but then this woman storms in my motel room and smacks the gun outta my hand." The wolf smiled nostalgicly, "I joined her pack and we got married not long after, she was my mate."

Derek snorted. "What about your hunter friends?"

"At first, they were pissed that i hadn't called after eight months, they scoped out my pack and researched the crap outta them, to make sure i was safe i guess. Nice guys, they understood after a little time. We lost touch, I doubt they even know I'm dead." He laughed a little, his accent made him sound like he was from texas or something.

Derek raised an eyebrow at him and the man didn't really know what he was getting at until he realised.

"Oh! I haven't even told you my name!" He laughed, he stuck out his hand towards the alpha. "The name's Garth."

A/N: Who here fucking loves Garth from SPN

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