How Much Is In A Six Pack? (Pt 1)

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The pack had called and texted their alpha, getting no replies. He usually wouldn't text back but he'd atleast call back. He hadn't. This was quite unlike him, no matter how recluce he could be, he would always make sure that the pack knew if he was okay or not. He didn't like drawing attention to himself anyways.

They all agreed to meet outside of the loft, one by one they showed up, concern written on their faces and exchanging worried glances.

That was infact, until they spotted Cora getting out of his car with groceries (probably snacks for the meeting), walking towards them with a questioning look.

"Whats all this?" She asked, soon mirroring the pack's anxious faces.

Erica frowned, "We texted him all day and he hasn't replied. We're supposed to have a pack meeting..." she trailed off.

Stiles sighed. "Have you seen him? Is he home?"

Cora shrugged. "I wouldn't know, I've been out all day and I didn't see him in the morning."

Concern grew as they walked up the stairs and by the last flight, they were running.

The pack burst in eyes searching frantically until they found Peter, a massive smirk on his face.

"I think you'd like to see this." He grinned, lazily leading them up the curvy steps to Derek's room.

The door, usually shut and the latch on if he were inside, was wide open. The stench of alchohol was so strong, even the humans wrinkled their noses at the smell. Bottles and six-pack wrappers were littered all over the floor, in the middle of it all was a very wasted Derek sprawled out on the surprisingly kept bed.

"What in the actual hell." Lydia muttered quietly, unable to process the situation.

The alpha's trademark leather jacket lay discarded in the floor, he was wearing a long sleeved shirt and a pair of joggers. He only had one shoe on and his hair was unkept and messy.

"I just found him like that." Peter laughed, finding it absoloutely hilarious. He probably took pictures.

The pack were in absolute shock, no one had seen Derek like this, not even close. The while pack stood there, stunned into silence until Jackson started giggling, causing Lydia to smack him on the back of the head because this was NOT a laughing matter. Even though Scott and Isaac were trying not to smile.

Stiles and Cora shared a look, this was so unlike the man it had them wondering what caused him to be like this.

"Derek..?" Scott asked, slowly walking over to him, the rest following in suit.

He shook him a little.


"Derek?" Stiles tried also shaking him.

After a few seconds of shaking Derek began to stir, he groaned, turning around groggily to face them. His eyes opened a little, he seemed still out of it.

"What." He slurred, it sounded more like a 'whhattt'.

Jackson brought out his phone. "This is gold." He laughed, getting his phone taken away by Lydia as soon as he brought it out. This made Stiles like her more.

"Heyy buddy, uh what happened?" Stiles asked softly, having to deal with his father in such a state a few times before, being nice to them was your best chance at getting them to co-operate.

Derek rubbed his face against the bed, "got drunk" he mumbled, making Allison snort at how cryptic he was, even wasted.

Stiles picked up one of the bottles off of the floor, seeing the all-too-familliar Jack Daniels logo on the glass. He gave Cora a worried look, werewolves have a very high tolerance to alchohol so he must have drank himself silly.

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